second 45. The main objective was to aid in the building fund, in— cluding the purchase of an extra half-acre of land for school grounds. Through the years the efforts of this group are for school as well as contributing to all worthy causes. Purchase flowers for departed members, provide treats for sick members and prizes and treats for the school children, and continue to carry on good work. Exchange visits with other Institutes. DOCK (Alberton) organized January 1935. Officers: Pres. Mrs. John H. Wells, (replaced by Mrs. Allan Matthews), Vice Pres. Mrs. Howard Clark, Sec. Treas. Mrs. Chester Hayes. This group was first formed as a Community Club. During the next fifteen years, although not being officially affiliated with Women’s Institutes, followed the same general plan, concentrating their efforts towards the improvement of the school and betterment of the community. Through these years considerable thought was given to joining the Provincial organization, and in May 1950 Miss Mary Robin officially organized this group as an Institute with the following officers: Pres. Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie, Vice Pres. Mrs. John Oliver, Sec‘. Treas. Miss Margaret Forsyth. The school is the chief concern of this group; members provide Hot lunches for the children in winter; the interior of the building has been painted several times, a fence erected around the school grounds, road signs put up, the building wired and electricity in— stalled, flowers planted, and on one occasion were awarded a prize in the Rural Beautification contest. , An organ was donated by a resident of the district and a Music teacher engaged; the salary was paid by Institute members. In common with other Institutes in the Convention area funds are provided for a loc‘al Scholarship. Contributions are made to all char- itable causes and assist in collecting for a great many. Remember the sick and shut-ins, assist those who have lost their homes by fire in the district and in other districts as well, by supplying blankets, quilts, clothing and food. Provide treats for school children at Christmas and at the end of the term and usually during Education week sponsor the showing of films for the children and very often provide refreshments. During the war many boxes were packed for the soldiers and knitting and sewing done for the Red Cross. Parties were held for the boys who returned from overseas and they were presented with gifts. The orphanages are remembered at Christmas with boxes of toys and clothing. First Aid and Home Nursing classes are sponsored. In 1960, when a disastrous forest fire swept through many areas in the Western part of the Province, —- the members of this group in common with many others worked in conjunction with the Red Cross in preparing and serving food to the fire-fighters. In 1953 we were happy to have one of our members appointed to the Provincial executive, who later became Provincial President, and represented the Province at the 9th Triennial Conference of _14__