ACWW in Edinburgh, Scotland. On her return, Mrs. Lloyd Wilkie gave illustrated talks to approximately 20 groups throughout the Island, and as Past President attended the 2nd National Convention in Vancouver in 1961. FORTUNE COVE Women’s Institute was organized by Miss Hazard, at a meeting in the school on November 21, 1933. The organ- ization was brought about through the efforts of the teacher, Miss Eva Sabine who called on many of the women and aroused their interest. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Lester Wallace, Sec. Treas., Miss Eva Sabine. During the years, the Institute has provided small articles for the school, such as dictionary, drinking fountain, map of the Mari- times, prizes for attendance, Christmas treats, etc., and has made payments to the local Grade X Scholarship Fund and the Provincial Home Economics Scholarship Fund. During the war years a large number of quilts were made for Red Cross work. Some knitting was also done. Extra money to buy material for this work was raised by frequent sales of homemade ice-cream and the occasional Bean Supper or having an auction sale. Donations were given to many appeals for war services. Boxes were sent regularly to the boys in the services from the district. One boy in particular writing from Italy expressed his sincere gratitude for some toilet soap that was in his box. Apparently he had never realized the importance of soap until he found himself without this necessity. One of the very active members, Mrs. Vernon Metherall, mov- ed from the district after the Institute had been functioning for 13 years; she had served as president for a period of 7 years. Mrs. Les- ter Wallace presented her with a gift. Another President, Mrs. Char- les Yeo who served as president for a number of years was remem- bered with a gift before her departure to take up residence in Pem— broke, Ont. Owing to the fact that several families have moved from the district and the difficulty of interesting younger women in Insti- tute work, it was decided with regret at the annual meeting in November, 1962 to disband after 29 consecutive years of Institute work. VICTORIA WEST organized Nov. 25th, 1924. Pres., Mrs. Daniel MacLeod; Vice Pres., Mrs. John Moore; Sec. Treas., Miss Mar- jorie Moore. The following members were present at the first meeting and are still active Institute members, Mrs. Daniel MacLeod, Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. John R. Enman, Mrs. Preston Enman, Mrs. David Enman, Our Institute’s achievements for the past thirty-six years probably would not appear very outstanding but we are thankful that we are able to meet together each month as a non-partisan organization striving to touch and know the great human heart common to us all and we do hope that our brief meetings together, exchanging ideas and the carrying out of any line of work that has for its object the betterment of the home, school and conditions of _15_