surrounding community life have fulfilled our Institute Motto “For Home and Country”.

DUVAR organized fall of 1930. First President, Mrs. Simon Martin, Secretary, Mrs. Alvina Gallant, Treasurer, Mrs. Peter Rich- ard. Much of the work through the years has been for the school.

Three Charter members are in the present membership.

PIUSVILLE was organized in May 7, 1930 by Miss Louise Haszard. Pres, Mrs. John F. Gallant, Sec. Treas., Mrs. William Gal- lant. Worked for their school and community.

ALMA organized by Miss Maylea Boswell January 18, 1949. First officers: Pres, Mrs. Archie Barbour, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Isaac Dunbar, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Jack Clark. Community effort and assist with up—keep of school.

ST. LAWRENCE November, 1930. Officers: Mrs. Chester Costain, Pres, Sec. Treas., Miss Eileen Handrahan (Mrs. Roy Har- per). They disbanded in 1938. The same group formed a Red Cross Society in 1941 and did much war work until 1945. Reorganized as an Institute in 1951 with Mrs. Robert MacInnis as Pres. and Mrs. Stanley Costain as Secretary. Nine charter members are living. The mem- bers work for school and community.

BROOKLYN organized February 15, 1930, officers: Pres., Mrs. Edgar MacArthur, Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. Fred White, Sec. Treas., Mrs. James Hodgson.

Main efforts were to help pay for their new school and to assist with general upkeep of same; they supplied desks and sanitary toilets, storm windows and wired the school for electricity.

O’LEARY an Institute was organized in O’Leary in 1928 which disbanded. On September 11, 1947 Miss Mary MacDonald re- organized. Officers: President, Mrs. James M. MacWilliams, Vice- Pres., Mrs. B. S. Dumville, Sec. Treas., Mrs. E. W. Turner.

Cub and Scout troops were sponsored for many years. Most efforts have been centered on school, and a few benefits have been—— A fire escape door installed in the basement. Furnished kitchen at the school for catering. Donations towards Encyclopedia, maps and supplies for school. Supplied a piano and secured a Music teacher. Sponsor dental clinics each year. Supply cod liver capsules, treats at Christmas, prizes at school closing, and give a $25.00 scholarship each year. Sponsor T.B., Blood Donor and Polio clinics. These ener- getic women have furnished a room in the new Hospital. Lay a wreath at the Cenotaph each year. Red Cross Swimming lessons were spon- sored for several years.

KNUTSFORD Miss Mona Saunders organized the Institute November 28, 1928. President, Miss Gladys Wright, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Wm. Dyment, Sec’y Treas., Miss Pearl Shaw. Directors: Mrs. T. J. Harris, Mrs. T. R. Harris, Mrs. Harvey Adams. Worked for the Pro- vincial San. at its inception. Two members from this group were
