appointed on the Provincial Executive namely, Mrs. Dan Smallman, as Secretary, and Mrs. Robert Woodside as United Nations and Letter Friends Convener. Work in conjunction with the Community Hos- pital. Have assisted three families who lost their home by fire. Their latest project is the beautification of the cemetery in the District. UNIONVALE was organized May 17, 1950 by Miss Mary Robin and Miss Maylea Boswell. Officers: President, Mrs. Errol Stet- son, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Gerald Gamble. This, however is not the first Institute in the district, as a group was organized in 1926 with Mrs. Percy Ramsey as President and Miss Ruth Allen (Mrs. Claude Jelly) Secretary Treasurer. Two charter members of the first Institute are living: Mrs. Claude Jelly and Mrs. Heber Gard. BIRCH HILL (Northam) organized November 20, 1922 by Miss Bessie Carruthers. Pres., Mrs. Robert Yeo, S-ec’y, Miss Ruby Dennis. Raised over $1,000.00 towards building a new school. Give treats to the school children and a gift to the teacher, also give gifts to members of families leaving the community, remember the shutins. Wired the school for electricity, installed an Oil furnace, and paid for scrubbing, new blinds, books, maps, etc. Assist with expenses of Hall. Contribute to appeals from Red Cross, Cancer, etc. Their major project is in assisting the Community Hospital at Tyne Valley, and they are at present agitating for a Regional High School to serve 22 Districts. Three Charter members attend the meetings, Mrs. Arthur MacLean, Mrs. Leslie MacLean, Mrs. Percy Birch. ELLERSLIE organized by Miss Evelyn Windsor, May 16, 1927. Pres., Mrs. Roy Williams, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Belle MacLean. “Have concentrated chiefly in helping our school and community. Dur- ing the war years we did a great deal of knitting, presented gifts to the service men, and sent them boxes at Christmas. From the be- ginning we worked for the school, had hardwood floors put in the school and the inside refinished, have kept it painted and in good repair. Bought new desks and other necessities.” In 1958 a new 4 room school was built in the community, and as before the Institute members assisted and helped raise money for this major project. Bought desks, books, games and many other articles. Part of the basement was made into a playroom for the small children, this was painted and made attractive. Contributed towards the launching of the Stewart Memorial Health Centre at Tyne Valley, assisted with the upkeep of same from time to time, answered roll call by donating an article for the Hospital, etc. During the Fire Disaster (1960) the members helped in many ways, and assisted in the preparation of food for the fire fighters. Contri- bute to worthy causes. MacNEILLS MILLS organized by Miss MacPhail December 2, 1929. Pres., Mrs. D. H. Smith, Sec. Treas., Miss Manderson, Vice- Pres., Mrs. R. C. MacDonald. Directors: Mrs. R. L. MacWilliams, Mrs. W. H. Phillips, Miss R. Milligan, Auditors: Miss Olive Williams, Miss Ruth MacDonald. _ 17 _