and have written a History of the community.Gave an annual contri- bution of $25.00 to the Sanatorium for many years. Have adopted a child refugee.
HALIBURTON re-organized May 6, 1958 by Miss Theresa MacLeod. Officers: Mrs. Charles Rix, Vice Pres., Mrs. Raeford Locke, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Eliza Collic‘utt.
Contribute to all worthy causes.
ALASKA organized Sept. 25, 1951 by Miss Mary Robin. Officers: Pres., Mrs. James Buote, Vice Pres., Mrs. Robert Sharp, Sec. Treas., Helen McCabe. Auditors: Mrs. John Buote, Mrs. B. Gal- lant.
Their efforts were centered in the school. Contributed to all worthy causes.
WELLINGTON CENTRE organized 1929 by Miss Schurman. Officers: Mrs. Joseph McNeil], V. P., Mrs. J. D. Leckie, Sec., Mrs. Emmett Ma'cNeill.
This Institute worked to improve their school, the building was raised, equipment was provided, painted the interior and exter- ior. A fence was erected around the school. Boxes are sent to sick and treats are provided for school children. Contribute to all charitable causes including the Provincial Sanatorium and Prince County Hos- pital. Mrs. Emmett MacNeil is still secretary of this group.
CONWAY organized November 27, 1934. Mrs. H. D. Smith act- ed as chairman. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Erland Ramsay, Vice Pres., Mrs. Edison Ramsay, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Roland Ramsay.
Remodelled and enlarged the old school into a modern build- ing. Installed chemical toilets, cloak rooms and entry. Enlarged the playgrounds and put up a fence, planted flowers. Red Cross work was done. Contributed to Stewart Memorial Centre at Tyne Valley.
JUBILEE - Albany was organized in December 3, 1927 by Miss Evelyn Windsor. Officers: Pres., Mrs; Sterling M. MacKay, Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Lloyd Jelly, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Wm. P. Cameron. Directors: Mrs. Hamilton Gamble, Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs. Arthur Green. Auditors: Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, Miss Annie Cameron.
The School has been the chief concern of this group, and much equipment has been supplied by Institute members. A music teacher was engaged for several years through the efforts of the Institute. The district has been represented on the Provincial Executive and on the TB. league. Contributions are made to all worthy causes and fire victims assisted—have good co-operation in community projects.
An autograph quilt sent to Prince County Hospital in 1933 delighted many patients. The Institute sponsored a banquet for the hockey team and gave assistance to them as well. During the war years boxes were sent to the men overseas and Red Cross work done.
In 1948 entered a Competition sponsored by Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation, winning first prize ($125.00) for the Province.