HAMILTON organized July 20, 1936 by Miss Jean Rodd. Officers: Mrs. Fred Lockerby, Hon. Pres., Pres., Mrs. J. M. Ramsay, Sec. Treas., Miss Marjorie Crozier, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Winifred Ram- say.
The Institute has assisted in all regular projects, Music, Drama, Handcrafts, Rural Beautification, Scholarships, etc. Helped organizations such as, Red Cross, Cancer, T.B., Care, etc., and have sponsored 4H clubs (Sewing & Calf). This group helps the Prince County Hospital and both Island Orphanages with money, quilts and toys, and have done knitting and sewing and made innumerable quilts for use overseas and locally.
The most worthy accomplishment was in kindling a Commun- ity Spirit whereby they were able to make substantial improvements to school, hall and community at large. From a run—down, delapidated looking hall they now have a modern and well equipped one, with all conveniences — even out door picnic activities. At all times our citi- zens have fully co-operated in our projects.
WEST CAPE organized 1930 by Miss Mary MacDonald. Offi— cers: Pres, Mrs. Ed. MacWilliams, Treas, Mrs. Ralph. MacLennan.
Since it was organized, this group has worked for their school — the exterior and interior of the building has been painted — the Institute members supplying the material and the men of the Dis- trict doing the work. They supply necessities for the school, i.e. globe, dictionary, maps, fountain, towels, soap, etc. '
A new quilt is made and given to each bride in the District. Treats are given to school children, sick and shut-ins are remember- ed. This group has assisted fire vi‘c‘tims locally and in other districts. They donate articles and money to U.S.C., March of Dimes and other worthy causes.
BELMONT —-— organized June 17,1931 through the efforts of the school teacher, Miss Marion Hardy. Officers: President, Mrs. Ernest Inman, Se’c‘retary, Miss Minnie Simpson. '
WEST POINT organized fall of 1927 by Miss Saunders. Pres. ., Mrs. Jago Sabine, Vice- Pres., Mrs. John A. Stewart, Sec’ y, Miss Eva Sabine. Almost every woman in the district enrolled as a member when the Institute was organized. The meetings were held from house to house in the winter and in the school in summer. Cups and saucers were purchased, also provided equipment so the ‘children could have Hot Lunches at noon time. One of the first projects was a sale of home-made ice cream and cake at the shore the following summer.
This group was inactive for a number of years. In 1941 we reorganized and set to work with a will to make quilts for Red Cross for overseas, also the knitting, packing of boxes for overseas soldiers. They collected s‘drap, took part in several concerts, made articles for bazaars, held pantry sales and ice-cream socials, gave the proceeds either to the school or community projects. Sponsored swimming classes, sewing classes, attend Blood Donor clinics, give