gifts to new brides in the community, and contribute to many chari- ties. Provide many things for the school —— a steel ceiling, teacher’s desk, and chair, blackboard, (green) window blinds, sandtable, dis— play board, water fountain, clothes-hooks, paper towels, etc. An Honor R0111 was placed in the school to commemorate the thirty-two boys and girls who joined the Services, six of whom paid the Supreme sacrifice. Remember all sick and shut-ins, as well as school children, who always get a treat at Christmas. The Ladies’ Aid of the Community Hospital, O’Leary is their chief interest, and their monthly get-togethers are enjoyed and they hope will continue through the years. LOWER FREETOWN organized 1923 by Mrs. J. S. Bonnell. Pres., Miss Alice I Cairns; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Scott Jardine; Sec.—Treas., Mrs. F. L. Cairns. The Institute entered the rural beautification Contest in 1960 and the resulting effort made a great improvement in the appearance of the school grounds, planting trees and shrubs, etc. School build- ing and the fence were painted. The organization won three prizes amounting to $125.00, plus an attractive shield. CHELTON, organized October 20, 1926, possibly by Miss Matheson. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Earl Pearson; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Char- les Schurman; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Henry Affleck. Directors: Mrs. Mur- ray, Mrs. Campbell, Miss Bernice Affleck. Auditors: Mrs. Charles Campbell, Miss Maria Campbell. Most efforts were centered in school. Building has had inter- ior and exterior painted several times. A fence was erected, and seats, teacher’s desk, chair, blackboards, and many other necessary articles purchased. Shut~ins receive boxes at Christmas and fruit is sent to the sick. Two families who had their homes burned were helped by donations of quilts, pillows, and other articles. Assist with Red Cross work, and contributions to worthy appeals. Traffic signs were placed at the school and district signs were erected. A dump at the beach was covered and a “No Dumping” sign was put up. BEDEQUE, organized 1937 by Miss Rodd. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Sinclair Affleck; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Wilfred Connolly; Sec-Trees, Clara Affleck. During the War years the members, in common with other groups, contributed many articles to the Red Cross for the boys over- seas. Supplied many necessities for the school, and remembered the children and shut-ins with treats. Contribute to all worthy causes. ROSEBANK, organized November 20 by Miss Theresa Mac- Leod. Pres., Mrs. MacLean Horne; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Burton Stewart; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Laughlan Horne. Helped the men of the District financially to remodel the school during the past year, thus bringing it up to the standards of the modern class room. Map of Canada was purchased. SEA VIEW WOMEN’S INSTITUTE was organized by Miss Hazel Sterns on the afternoon of Sept. 13, 1917, with Mrs. Colin Don- ald as President, and Miss Emily Mill (now Mrs. William Mill of Cler- ._‘2‘1__