mont) as Secretary, and a membership of fifteen which increased to twenty during the next few months.

The work was conducted in much the same manner as today. The subjects discussed and demonstrations were varied and included: Hot dishes for supper, candy making, gardening, canning, home nurs- ing, pickle making and salads. Some demonstrations were given by the members, but usually by the Supervisor or her Assistant.

The members have always taken a deep interest in the work of the school, and have provided individual desks, maps, blackboards, window shades, hot lunch equipment, drinking fountains, wash bas- ins, paper towels, and sanitary facilities. Each year at Christmas treats have been given the children and at school closing they have a picnic with the Institute providing ice cream. A few years ago the members were instrumental in having the school moved to a more suitable site.

During the first years our members were very active in Red Cross work. A prisoner of war was adopted, many parcels were packed and sent to boys overseas, clothing was sent to the Belgian Relief, and money was donated to Halifax Relief fund.

When the second world war broke out the members again ral- lied to the call and did their share of Red Cross work, in the form of knitting, sewing and making quilts which were sent to the Red Cross besides donations of money to many worthy calls. Boxes were also packed and sent overseas.

On our twenty-fifth, thirty-fifth and now on our fortieth anniversary we have celebrated by having a Banquet and inviting our husbands and charter members.

The Community Hall was completely renovated a few years ago, making it one of the best in the country. Since then we have had electricity installed and placed a piano in the hall.

Gifts, donations and fruit to sick $1,032.67. Donations to Institutions and war work $5,631.77.

ARLINGTON, organized 1927 by Miss Windsor. This group worked mainly in the interests of their school they installed a pump, painted the interior and exterior of the building, provided treats for the school children and shut-ins. During the war years this group donated their time and their talents in work for the boys

overseas. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Seaman Ford; V1ce-Pres., Mrs. Artemas

MacArthur; Sec.-Treas., Miss Edith Phillips (Mrs. Reginald Palmer).

PORT HILL. organized Nov. 6, 1923 by Miss Matheson, Asst. Supervisor. Pres, Miss Mary Adams; Sec.-Treas., Miss Jennie Jard- ine.

Assisted in renovating the school. Worked for the boys over- seas and on their return entertained at various functions at which

they were presented with gifts. In 1945 the 25th Anniversary was celebrated. All past members were invited. A charter member, Mrs.

Ernest Birc‘h, made the cake for the occasion. The outstanding event of this group was a visit from a group
