of the Associated Country Women of the world. A dinner was serv- ed to the delegates in the Tyne Valley Hall. Donations are made to all charitable organizations. Each year visits are made to neighbour- ing Institutes.
BIDEFORD, organized 1944 by Miss MacDonald. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Keith MacDougall; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Ivan Millar; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. William Grant. They were instrumental in promoting the erection of a Regional High School and the Stewart Memorial Health Centre. Good community effort. They sponsored swimming classes and devoted efforts towards the general improvement of their school.
CENTRAL LOT 16, organized in 1917. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Will Cotton; Sec, Miss Lulu MacLean.
Their efforts were centered on improvement of school, and assisted with all charitable c‘auses.
MAPLE LEAF, Traveller’s Rest, was organized July 25, 1913, and included the two Institutes in the districts of Traveller’s Rest and Sherbrooke. Officers: Pres., Mrs. John J. Hall; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Major Townsend; Sec-Treas., Mrs. S. M. MacNeill.
In March 1921, the members decided to separate and form two Institutes. Officers for the Maple Leaf group: Pres., Mrs. Harry Walker; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. W. Hall; Sec., Miss E. S. Marchbank; Treas., Miss Etta Walker.
In 1913 a petition was sponsored against the running of auto- mobiles on the Island.
Meetings were held with surrounding districts interested and a motion was passed that a suitable monument be erected on the hall grounds to honor the four boys who sacrificed their lives in World War One. After World War Two, the names of four more boys who also sacrificed their lives were pla'Ced on the same monument. The grounds around the monument had been cared for by the members until 1960, when 4-H clubs were asked to assist. In 1926 an annex to the Community Hall was built and maintained by the members through the years —— used as a club-room for all the community. At present music classes for the school children are held there and the members help to finance the project. In 1926 a Centennial for the district was celebrated and Institute members assisted the Commun- ity in this special event. In 1938 the 25th Anniversary of this group was celebrated, as was the 40th in 1953 at the home of Mrs. George Small. Four charter members were present and pictures taken. Miss Emmeline Marchbank, a Charter member, was honored and present-
ed with a Life Membership pin.
In 1959, 3rd prize was received in Provincial Tweedsmuir Com- petition for an “Institute Song”, which was composed by the group. In 1960-61 the Chair Seat Covers Tweedsmuir competition received 3rd prize, and received special mention at F.W.I.C. National Conven- tion. These covers were hooked by Mrs. John Marchbank. Entered