Contribute to all worthy causes. Membership is now eight.

O”BRIEN ROAD, now Elmsdale West, was organized May, 1932 by Miss Elizabeth Mac‘Millan, and was held in the O’Brien Road School. Pres, Mrs. Austin O’Brien (now deceased); Vice-Pres, Mrs. Charles Dunn; Sec-Treas., Mrs. A. D. O’Brien. Directors: Mrs. Wm. Brennan, Mrs. Alfred O’Brien, Mrs. Parmenas MacArthur. Audit- ors: Mrs. Ronald MacKenna and Mrs. Alfred O’Brien.

The first meeting after organizing was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Dunn, with nine members present. Their efforts were devoted to the up-keep of the school, etc.

This group disbanded and later re-organized as Elmsdale West, with present membership of twelve.

BURTON, 1953. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Peter Dalton; Vice-Pres, Mrs. Loretta Collicutt; Sec., Mrs. Coleridge Rogers; Treas., Mrs. Har- old Howard. Provide prizes and treats for school children. Remember the sick and shut-ins, contribute to all worthy causes, sponsor First Aid course, Swimming Classes and 4-H Sewing club. Sponsor a schol- arship fund in their Convention area.

BLOOMFIELD CORNER was organized by Miss Haszard on May 7, 1930. First officers: Pres, Mrs. Urban Pineau; Vice—Pres, Mrs. Joseph Wedge; Sec-Treas., Mrs. Leon Peters.

A great interest has always been evident in Health and Edu- cation. Improved the school with a new floor, new ceiling, new type seats, septic toilets, and many other projects. School yard enlarged and fenced. The district is very conscious of the need of various ser— vices and assist in canvassing for the Red Cross, Blind, etc. Have sponsored Handcraft Van, Horne Nursing Courses, First Aid classes and swimming classes. Contribute to Sc‘holarship fund, and assist a Refugee child, encourage good reading material. All sick and shut- ins are visited and special treats given at Christmas. The school was entered in the Rural Beautification contest.

NORTH BEDEQUE organized June 25, 1946 by Miss Mary MacDonald. President: Mrs. Brewer Waugh.

This group was instrumental in helping to organize the North Shore Music Festival. Had music taught in the school since 1946. Worked with an adjoining Institute in having a First Aid Course and Home Nursing lessons. Redecorated their community hall. Work for the Red Cross and many other worthy causes,

It is the custom of this group to hold parties for new comers, brides and those leaving the district.

PLEASANT CIRCLE organized October 20, 1926 by Miss Jane MacKenzie. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Ewen Cameron.

Chief interest through the years has been the school and were responsible for the remodelling of same.

Mrs. Ewen Cameron is a Life Member of this group.

Sewing clubs, food clubs and calf clubs have been sponsored and the Institute is responsible for having music in the school.
