NEW ANNAN W. I. was organized April 29, 1915 and was number sixteen in the province. Mrs. Dunbrack and Miss Sterns were in attendance and charter officers were: President, Mrs. W.H. Moase; Vice-President, Miss Alice Wright, and Secretary, Miss Ethel Duffy. This Institute was organized in war-time and immediately earned for themselves an enviable achievement in war work. In 1918 New Annan had the honour of being the first Institute on RBI to merit a card of honour from the Canadian Field Comforts Commission for knitting sacks for Canadian Soldiers. Over 200 pairs of socks were sent to this Commission alone. Boxes of food were sent to soldiers and prisoners of war were adopted. A welcome-home party and gifts were given each returning soldier. Each remembrance day a wreath is placed on monument at Traveller’s Rest in which this Institute had part in erecting. Prince County Hospital is given money and gifts, and a dona- tion and gift of money was given Provincial Sanatorium. New Annan was the first Institute to have all members subscribe to Institute News. A charter member, Mrs. Robert Williams (still active) was made a Life Member in 1951. Codliver oil capsules are provided pupils in school and Jr. Encyclopedia and books for school library were donated by Institute. Special events in the lives of members are suitably celebrated. This Institute has received three prizes in the First Aid Radio course and a Home Nursing course was sponsored in the community. These ladies complete a large amount of Red Cross Sewing each year, and are a classic example of what can be accomplished by co-opera- tion and a desire to serve. CRAPAUD organized March, 1928 by Mrs. Murchison, Vic toria, and Mrs. Wallace Stewart. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Frank Mac’- Donald; Vice-Pres, Mrs. Harry Leard; Sec.-Treas., Miss Mary New- son. Primary interest is in the school, and the belief of this group is harmony between teachers, pupils and parents. The school has been redecorated several times, supplied blinds, teachers’ desks and chairs, pupils’ desks, maps and books. Provided prizes and treats a- long with current needs. Visit the school during Education Week. Assisted in the building of hall and contribute towards maintenance of same, besides providing piano and curtain, as well as cash dona- tions. Helped provide music in the school and participate in South Shore and Charlottetown Music Festivals. Contribute to local library and to many other worthy causes. Red Cross work c'arried on, and during war years boxes were sent to the boys in services. At the twenty-fifth Anniversary in 1953, seven Charter mem- bers were presented with Women’s Institute pins. Dental Clinics, Water Safety Courses, Blood Donor Clinics, have been sponsored by this group, and in addition to their many activities have compiled a Village History. —26——