NORTH BEDEQUE Women’s Institute was organized June 25, 1946 by Miss Mary MacDonald, Supervisor. President, Mrs. Brew- er Waugh; Vice-Presid-ent, Mrs. Wilbur Stewart; Secretary-Treas-
urer, Mrs. Ella Smith. This Institute has provided a music teacher for the school and
with the cooperation of other districts, purchased a projector. They sponsored a hot lunch program in their school, donated books to the school library in memory of departed members and gave an Encyc- lopedia for use of the students.
A community centre was provided by having the interior and exterior of their hall redecorated and a piano, seats and dishes donat- ed by the Women’s Institutes. For more than eight years swimming
classes have been sponsored in this community. North Bedeque Institute had the distinction of making more
layettes for Unitarian Services Committee than any other group for a Television Program and appeared as guests of C.K.C.W. at Moncton. Friendliness and Fellowship continue to be the keynotes of
this successful Institute.
MIDDLETON Women’s Institute was organized by Miss Bes- sie Carruthers, September 21, 1921. President, Mrs. Clifford Wright; Vice-President, Mrs. John McCardle; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Blanche Roberts.
This Institute honoured its charter members by presentation of W. 1. pins. They worked diligently on their school, having it mov- ed back, grounds c’leared, fence erected and trees planted.
Contributions are always given to organizations requesting
them. In 1961 the group celebrated their 40th Anniversary, when
all enjoyed a turkey supper. The school children are remembered at Christmas with treats, and the members supply the necessities for the school from time to time. They have a share in a film projector, and purchased a sewing machine for 4-H girl’s Sewing Club, and help pay the leader. Assist with Red Cross work and help provide for a Refugee boy. Charter members still living are: Mrs. Elliot Wright, Mrs. Colin Craig, Mrs. Sutherland Wright, Mrs. Keir Allen. Middleton Institute continues with twenty-five active mem-
bers to work for “Home and Country”.
WEST DEVON organized in 1932. Two charter members still active are Mrs. James Wood and Mrs. Joseph Acorn. Mrs. Horace
MacDonald is present Sec’y.
BALTIC organized November, 1934. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Ben- jamin Burns, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Robert Cousins, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Ellen
CLERMONT organized May 13, 1953 by Miss Mary Robin. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Edson Rayner, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Cecil Mill, Sec. Treas., Mrs. William Mill. In 1954 the school won 2nd prize in Rural Beautification, also the R. T. Holman trophy. This school is now closed and students attend Kensington.