INDIAN RIVER organized in November 1925 at the home of Miss Hilda Cameron (Mrs. Leslie Ramsay) by Miss MacKenna, Supervisor. Officers: Mrs. Joseph MacLellan, Sec. Treas., Miss Eve- lyn Pillman (Mrs. Neil Simpson). This group disbanded in 1935 and reorganized in 1952 with Mrs. Keith Mann, President and Mrs. L. G. Ramsay, Sec. Treas. Mrs. Ramsay has held convenerships at the Provincial and National level, and is now 1st Vice President of Prince Edward Island Women’s Institutes. The chief interest of this group is their school and community. MALPEQUE organized April 1913. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Thomas L. MacNutt, Sec-Treas., Mrs. James Keir. Minute Books and papers up to 1950 were lost in a fire when the home in which they were kept was burned. A clipping from the Journal-Pioneer of March 22, 1963, taken from the section “Fifty Years Ago” — “The ladies and gentlemen of Malpeque, after listening to Mrs. Dunbrack’s address on Women’s Institute work have decided to have an organization in that section. A large and interested number gathered in the hall on Friday even- ing to learn of the objects of the work being introduced to the women of the rural sections through the assistance of the Department of Agriculture.” CAPE WOLFE Institute was organized on May 18, 1950 by Miss Mary Robin, Supervisor with Mrs. Lloyd Cook as First Presi- dent and Mrs. Alvin Costain, Vice-President and Mrs. Annie DeMoss, Secretary-Treasurer. The main activities of this group have been to sponsor swim- ming classes for all children of the community, and to give leader- ship to a 4-H Garment Club. BIRCH HILL Institute organized in 1922. Mrs. Robert Yeo was first President and Miss Ruby Dennis, first Secretary. Through the years money was raised to build a new school. Plays, concerts, ice cream socials, dances and pantry sales were chief money-making prOJects of this actlve group. LINKLE’I‘TER Institute was organized on April 2, 1918. Mrs. Alfred C. Linkletter elected its first president. Mrs. M. A. Linkletter, Vice President, and Mrs. Lloyd Linkletter, Secretary-Treasurer. A lovely hardwood floor in the school was paid for by this Institute and a pump installed for use of pupils. A new fence was erected around the community cemetery. Socks and quilts were made for soldiers and refugees. A flag pole was put up in school grounds and a large flag purchased. All worthwhile causes were given generous contributions. FERNWOOD Women’s Institute organized in 1921 by Miss Bessie Carruthers. Mrs. Edwin MacFarlane was first President. This Institute catered to Board of Trade Banquets on two occasions. —28—