BIRCH GROVE Institute was organized at Freetown in 1932 with Mrs. Austin Scales First President, Mrs. Everett Schurman, Vice President, Miss Rene Arbing, Treasurer and Mrs. Clifton Math- eson, Recording Secretary.

Red Cross, school and community hall have received benefits from this energetic group of women. Donations have been given to Lnangrd charitable organizations and the under-privileged have been

ep .

SEARLETOWN Institute was organized November 25, 1921 by the assistant Supervisor, Miss Bessie Carruthers, and called “Willing Workers Institute”. First President, Mrs. Hugh MacLean, Vice President, Mrs. L. W. Trueman and Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Percy Allen.

Of the eleven charter members only one is still an active member. Six members are still living. The school was the first inter- est of this Institute. New blackboards, maps, desks, and flag were provided. A neat fence was erected around play ground by the Insti-

tute. In the Health Field, this Institute was instrumental in hav-

ing a Junior Red Cross organized in their school in 1922.

The highlight of their war work was an autograph quilt which netted $30.00 and was then donated to a Canadian Military Hospital in England.

Later projects have been the sponsorship of a 4-H garment club in the community, paying for a music teacher in the school. New

tile floor for the school and community signs at each end of the district. In addition to remembering the sick and shut-ins in the com— munity, this Institute has contributed to all worthy causes and have completed over forty years of service to “Home and Country”.

CAPE TRAVERSE Women’s Institute was organized on Sept— ember 10, 1931, with Mrs. Louis Muttart, President and Mrs. Gordon

Harvey, Secretary.

CLINTON Miss Mary MacDonald organized the Institute October 16, 1939. The first President was Mrs. Charles Woodside, Vice-President, Mrs. George Riley, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Vivian Woodside. We organized in 1939 because we could then do Red Cross work more effectively, and are still interested in doing Red Cross knitting and sewing. Probably our greatest work has been in the interest of our community hall. We had a kitchen and dressing room built, gyproc put on the walls, cement foundation, painted inside and outside, the hall wired and new curtains and an organ purchased. We buy treats for the children and school prizes, and contribute toward the Institute District scholarship. We supervise the canvassing of

the district for charities.

NEW LONDON —— June 1913 discontinued in 1919. Reorgan- ized in 1934. Miss Katharine James -—- Miss Hazard. President, Mrs. Archibald Campbell, Secretary, Mrs. Walter Found, President, Mrs. George Coles, Secretary, Miss Irene Wyand. Wired Community Hall
