and bought materials for same, sewing club organized. Red Cross work —— school won prize in Rural Beautification bought share in film projector swimming classes sponsored Honor Roll of teachers in school.

DARNLEY. On a clear frosty night, Jan. 28, 1935, the resid- ents of Darnley gathered to welcome a new family to the district. The fellowship enjoyed led several ladies present to suggest a regular get-together. Discussion led to the suggestion of a W.I. and before leaving for home a group was set up with President Mrs. John Mac- Nutt, Vice-President, Mrs. Lloyd Adams; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Annie Woodside. Miss Hazard visited the group and outlined the aims and purposes of Institute work.

Efforts have been centered primarily around the sc'hool and hall. Fencing material has been purchased for both the men erect- ed the fences. A tile floor was laid in the Senior room, and the inter- iors of both rooms have several times been re-decorated. These, too, have received gifts of equipment when needed. Cod liver oil capsules are provided for the pupils, as are other necessary articles. A prize for general proficiency for each grade is awarded by the W.I. as well as contributing to the District Convention Area Grade X Scholarship Fund. Treats are provided for the children at Christmas and the end of the term.

This group has taken over the maintenance of the Community Hall, built and equipped a modern kitchen, redecorated the interior several times, provided new seats and chairs, purchased a piano, had the roof shingled, the walls painted and electricity installed. A neat sign helps tourists and others locate their destinations. Welcome signs mark the entrance to the district. Contribute to all worthy causes, remember the Orphanages with quilts and gifts of toys. Dur- ing the War years boxes were sent to the boys overseas, and knitt- ing and sewing done for the Red Cross. This knitting and sewing is still carried on. The W.I. members conduct the district survey prior to the Mobile Chest X-ray visit. Sick and shut-ins are remembered with treats of fruit, etc. Funds are raised by suppers, ice cream soc- ials, concerts, catering to organizations, card parties, etc.

The meetings are interesting, instructive and profitable to all. A close friendship exists at all times.

SPRING VALLEY on August 15, 1935 Miss Louise Hasz- ard organized Spring Valley Women’s Institute. First President, Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Vice President, Mrs. George Cotton, and Secretary- Treasurer Bernadette McLellan.

School Improvements sponsored by this Institute include a new fence, cement walk and a flag pole.

A kitchen was built on back of hall and fully equipped. A piano and new stage were provided for community hall.

MARGATE May 12, 1930. Miss MacPhail. Officers: Presi- dent, Mrs. F. D. Marks; Vide-President, Mrs. Harry Brown; Secret- ary-Treasurer, Mrs. Heath Mayhew.
