Sponsored plays and in 1945 entered Drama Festival. War work. Have entries in music festival each year. Contribute to S‘c'hol- arship fund. Sponsor handicraft van, home nursing and First Aid classes. In 1957 helped pay off school debt. Entered and won Rural Beautification prize for school 1958. Adopted an Indian War orphan in 1960.
GRAHAM’S ROAD — Success in December 4, 1914. Miss James or Mrs. Dunbrack. Oficers: President, Mrs. John A. Brown; Secretary-Treasurer: Miss Laura MacLeod, then Mrs. Ray MacLeod.
Red Cross work during wars. Generous contributions to wor- thy appeals. Entered Rural Beautification contest winning first plac'e in 1957, second for province. Sponsor music teacher for school, and participate in music festival. Contribute to upkeep of community hall, and provide piano, science chest and many other articles for school, beautifying of grounds, flag and flagpole, swings, tilts, slides, bi- cycle stand, etc.
SPRING BROOK -— September 29, 1939. Supervisor, Miss MacDonald, assistant Supervisor, Miss Haszard. Officers: President, Mrs. Kenneth MacLeod; Vice-President, Mrs. D. C. MacKay; Secret- ary-Treasurer, Mrs. Hillard Meek.
Assist with all charitable organizations. Knit and sew for Red Cross. War work, school improvement: chairs and desk; chairs for community use. Three Charter Members are still active in Institute work. Mrs. Arthur Campbell has been on the Provincial Board for a number of years, acting as convener of Cultural Activities and is now 2nd Vice-President.
NORBORO W. I. Date of organization July 20, 1913. Super- visor Miss Katharine James; President, Mrs. Patrick Hughes; Sec- retary~Treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Harding.
Installed hardwood floor in school. Gave donations to all wor- thy causes such as T. B. League, Cancer Fund, Red Cross, Salvation Army, March of Dimes, M.S.S., C.N.I.B., etc. We purchased maps, science kit, globe, geometry set, drinking fountain, books, desk and chair for the teacher.
The Institute bought pictures of the Queen and King, framed and put them up in the school. We also purchased blinds at different times and bought chairs, and many other small articles needed at various times. We helped pay for the wiring of the school and paint- ed the school different times.
Provide treats for school children and shut-ins, at Christmas gave the pupils scribblers and pencils, and send treats to the sick. Give gifts to new babies. Had road signs painted and put up in the District, buy canned foods for hot lunches for school children. Put a cement walk from the road to the school. This past year we bought new maps and had the tile put on the school floor, and many things have been done. We have cleaned the school at diferent times. Bought flowers in memory of deceased members. Give to the Scholarship Fund, and prizes to the pupils standing highest in Arithmetic. We