DESABLE, organized March 2, 1948, Mrs. Melville Bell, lst. President.
HAMPTON, organized December 8, 1947, Mrs. T. G. Head, lst President.
LADY FANE, organized July 19, 1946, Mrs. Gordon Cotton, 1st President.
TRYON, organized November 26, 1945, Mrs. Walter Toombs, 1st President.
WESTMORELAND, organized September 30, 1937, Mrs. Vernon Moore, lst President.
In all this world With all her costly goods, There never was A thing more rich and fair
Than that pure string 01’ unused hour —— tomorrow.
Marie L. Morley, Australia
OYSTER BED BRIDGE organized 1925 by Miss Windsor. First officers: Pres., Mrs. Solomon McKenna, Sec., Mrs. Raymond
Ling, Treas., Miss Elsie Brown. Outstanding war work — many quilts were made and much
knitting done. Awarded first prize for chair seats at FWIC Conven- tion, Vancouver, 1961.
In 1953 Mrs. Phillip Matheson was appointed to the Pro- vincial Executive, she attended the 1st National Convention in Ottawa in 1957, and represented the Province at the 2nd National
Convention in Vancouver in 1961.
WEST COVEHEAD organized November 1945 by Miss Mac- Donald. Officers: Mrs. Ramsay Auld, Sec. Treas. Mrs. Lorne Mac-
Millan. In 1957 won third place for school improvement, and in 1960
won first place in Queen’s County for School Improvement, also
seventh place for Community Improvement.
Participate in all community affairs, welcoming new citizens, showers for brides, and farewell parties. Sponsor collections for charitable causes, and give generous financial support to the school