at all times. Promote music in the school and are responsible for salary of music teacher. COVEHEAD ROAD organized March 19, 1931 by Miss Mary MacDonald. Officers: Pres., Miss Isabel Brown, Vice. Pres, Mrs. Alfred MacLean, Sec. Treas, Miss Doris Birt. Assisted with projects in the school such as the purchasing of desks, chairs, maps shades and a hardwood floor. Also help with projects in the Community Hall. ANGLO-RUSTICO organized December 30, 1927 by Miss Schurman. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Edison Rollings, Vice. Pres, Mrs. Fred Toombs, Sec., Mrs. J. L. LePage, Treas, Miss Ella Clark. Work has been mainly for school. Sponsored a 4-H Garment Club for several years at different times. Collected and contributed for many worthy causes. MOUNT STEWART organized November 9, 1927 by Miss Evelyn Windsor, Supervisor. First President, Mrs. Harold Hall, Secretary-Treasurer, Mary MacDonald. The highlight of Mt. Stewart Women’s Institute activities was the donation of one thousand dollars toward additional school room. They brought Carnegie Library to their community and head— ed the campaign for street lights in their village. NORTH WINSLOE Institute was organized October 20, 1939, by Miss Louise Haszard. First President, Mrs. Stanley Younker, Vice President, Mrs. Ray Ford, Secretary, Miss Rena Younker. Red Cross and Unitarian Service Committee receive many articles from this Institute. A piano and music teacher have been provided for school. Community needs are well looked after by the WI. CORNWALL AND YORK POINT. These districts formed one Institute and were organized April 7, 1913, but divided in later years. The Organizer being Mrs. A. E. Dunbrack. The first President was Mrs. George MacDonald and Miss Emma MacMillan was the first Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. Mac- Donald was one member on a committee to urge the Government for a Provincial Sanatorium, and the members of the Institute used all the influence possible to attain the Building. A great deal of work for the soldiers was done during the war years. The members are interested in Music and Drama as well as 4—H clubs. Truly the In- stitute has performed the functions for which it was organized “For Home and Country”. NORTH RIVER Miss James the Supervisor organized the North River Institute July 3, 1913, with the following officers: President, Mrs. Frank Howard, Vic-e President, Mrs. Oliver Warren, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Mackinson Vick-erson. Directors: Mrs. T. P. Cass, Mrs. John MacKinnon, Miss Lelia Scott, Mrs. George Owen and Mrs. Robert MacKinley. _.34 ._