consideration in these early days. In 1921, we celebrated our 10th Anniversary in a very enjoyable social evening at the home of Mrs. B. R. Brown. In the winter of 1925, we had the courage to attempt what was at that time a new venture in the staging of a play “The Old Maids Convention” which proved to be a source of much amuse— ment to ourselves and the community, as well as a success financially. Since then we have staged a great number of plays, entering them in Drama Festival and winning top honors. In 1936. We celebrated our 25th An" ‘sary by holding a Sup- per and social evening in the Community Hall, inviting many former members also our husbands. Through the years we have sponsored Sewing classes and helped in securing music tuition. We have always given generously to the many appeals received by Women’s Institutes also supported a War Prisoner in First World War. In September, 1914, a branch of the Red Cross was organized in connection with the Women’s Institute. During War years we raised $867.00 for Red Cross and patriotic needs. Upwards of 600 pairs of socks were knit, over 100 shirts made, as well as pyjama suits, Balaclava caps, bandages, etc. by the women of the cofmunity. We also made clothing and bedding for Belgian Relief. Each soldier from York was presented with a Testament when they went overseas, also sent boxes at Christmas. At the close of World War I, a banquet was held in the hall f01 returned men and they were presented with suitable mementoes and the work then begun was completed by the placing of a Memorial Window in the Church, also an Honor Roll on which 16 names were enrolled. Two of our boys made the supreme sacrifice, and six were wounded. During World War II, our Institute worked in connection with Red Cross at Charlottetown. They supplied the yarn from which we knit sweaters, socks and scarves. Our Honor Roll for World War II has 16 names enrolled. In 1953, we celebrated our 42nd Anniversary by holding a sup- per and social evening in the Community Hall to which we had invited a number of Charter members also some former members who had moved from the district. One of these, the first Secretary- Treasurer of Alpha Institute, Mrs. Peter Brodie, had the honor of cutting the “Anniversary Cake”. A few years ago we entered 0u1 new school in the Beautification Contest and won 1st place for the County. We have entered it several times since, winning several prizes. Our Institute now has a membership of over 30 women, so have decided to hold our meetings in the schoolhouse. Our interest in our school has not abated. Through the years, we have held many Institute Picnics and Suppers, which have been enjoyed by all. We have a group of three members prepare programme for each three months, also have a school and sick committee.‘ —86—-