We remember sick and shut-ins also bereaved with cards of sympathy and remember older people and sick with a treat at Christ- mas.
Our school children have done well in vocal and instrumental music at Musical Festivals, also our Institute Chorus.
Looking back over the years we can safely say that in spite of difficulties and sometimes discouragements during the half a cen~ tury we have been meeting as an Institute that our lives have been enriched. Especially do we appreciate the help which has been so freely given by the men of our community, who have at all times. in every way, encouraged us in our endeavours for Home and Country.
May we as Institute members have our hearts and minds firmly fixed on God above as we go forth into the New Year filled with a new resolve and determination to attempt greater things for our Community and Province.
HAMPSHIRE organized November 7, 1945 by Miss Mac- Donald at the home of Mrs. Chester and Mrs. John Edwards, with a membership of eleven.
Officers: Pres. Mrs. Hilbert Tremere, Vice—Pres. Mrs. Chester Edwards, Sec. Treas. Alice Edwards.
CORONATION (Park Corner) organized Feb. 23, 1937 by Miss Rodd. Officers: Pres. Mrs. Vere Wheeler, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Ira MacLeod (deceased), Sec. Treas. Miss Annie Dyment (Mrs. Bruce Crozier).
Efforts were similar to other groups. A portion of the hall was renovated and made into an Institute room. Music was sponsor- ed in the school for several years. Both school and Hall have been community projects.
‘ According to reports from older citizens an Institute was organized in 1913 — the communities of Spring Brook and Park Corner joined together and at the beginning of the First War. this group was called “Ladies Aid”, and extensive war work was done.
MT. MELLICK organized February 21, 1930, by Miss Hazard. Officers: Pres. Mrs. W. J. Mutch, Sec. Miss Hazel MacEachern.
Of the eight ladies who signed the petition for organization, four are still active members: Mrs. Malcolm MacRae, Mrs. J. E. Mac~ Eachern, Mrs. Everett Jenkins and Mrs. W. J. Mutch; Mrs. Laura Clapp and Mrs. Willard Jenkins live elsewhere. Mrs. W. H. Drake and Mrs. W. H. Wood (deceased).
Often we hear it said that we live in a changing world, but the 33 years record of the work of Mt. Mellick W.l. has followed the same rhythmic pattern, always working for “Home and Country”.
During the 1940’s the membership was approximately 25, at this time much work was done for the Red Cross, knitting, sew- ing, and quilts, afghans, sweaters and socks were provided for the Armed Forces.