As each soldier returned home after the war, the W.I. sponsored a community reception and he was presented with an address and a gift of money. A Memorial service was held in the school and an Honor Roll with the names of all who had served in the Armed Forces from the district was unveiled and placed in the school. An English Institute was “adopted” and many parcels of food, especially canned meats, were sent during the war years. The school and welfare of pupils was of major importance. Sewing and Garden Clubs were sponsored for several years; Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety classes are also sponsored. A fund has been established to provide books for school library as well as the Books of Knowledge which is received annually. A piano was purchased recently replacing the organ which has been in use for 15 years. The W.I. is responsible for the salary of the music teacher and the Music Festival fees. School and pre-school children are remembered with treats twice each year, and the sick and shut-ins receive cards. treats or gifts. New settlers are presented with gifts, and the W.I. sponsors a “shower” for each new bride and groom. Assist with many charitable organizations. In the Convention area, Mt. Mellick W.I. promoted the plan to serve a nutritious supper to the delegates attending the District Convention. The plan has now become pretty general with all groups. The 25th and 30th Anniversaries were celebrated with banquets and special guests. On these occasions P.E.I. W.I. pins were presented to all who had been active members for 25 years. Arranging for the placing of “name signs” at the entrance and exit of the school district is the special project at the present time. Sponsored a 4-H club. Swings were put up for school children. NEW GLASGOW On the evening of March 7, 1924 a num— ber of women met at the home of the late Mrs. Geo. H. Stevenson to organize a W.I. for the district. Miss Helen Matheson, Supervisor was present and gave a short history on Institute work in the other provinces before organizing. Twelve members joined and during the first year the membership increased to twenty-one. Officers: Pres. Mrs. Percy Dickieson, Vice. Pres. Mrs. Paul Richardson (then Mrs. Brenton Dickieson), Sec. Treas. Mrs. Alan Campbell (Margaret Stevenson). Directors: Elsie Laird and Mrs. Bullman. From this small beginning we have endeavored to raise money for many worthy projects, — cemetery, overseas boxes for soldiers, school, rink, orphanages, Red Cross, T.B. League, Cancer and Salvation Army; treats for school children and proficiency prizes at the end of the term. Remember sick and shut-ins at Christmas. Co-operate with other W.I.’s in a Scholarship Fund for students highest aggregate in Grade X Provincial exams. Purchased a Projector and Piano for the school and assist the Medical centre, and when a Music teacher is available are responsible for the salary. —-38——