Care for the David Laird Memorial grounds, flowers and keep grass cut. Sponsor 4-H Garment Club. In conjunction with neighbor- ing groups W.I. plans to adopt an orphan. Sponsored Handicraft van, and have knitted and sewed for the Red Cross. The twenty- fifth anniversary was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dickieson and ten years later the thirty-fifth was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Revel Dickieson. At this time three charter members namely: Mrs. Percy Dickieson, Mrs. Paul Richard- son and Miss Elsie Laird were present; the members were honored to have as their guest Mrs. Alan Campbell, Long River. Project for this year is to beautify the school grounds, and hope to celebrate their fortieth anniversary next year. Present membership is twenty-four. STANHOPE organized October 5, 1928 by Miss Mona Saunders and Miss Schurman. Officers: Pres. Mrs. Rupert Ross, Vice Pres. Mrs. Aeneas MacDonald, Sec. Miss Dora Doyle. The members assist with up-keep of school, remember the sick, and assist fire victims. The hall was purchased by the Women’s Institute who have been responsible for up-keep of same. Con- tribute to all charitable causes. At the 25th Anniversary the Charter members were honored. New brides are welcomed to the District and given a free member— ship for 1 year. Holds concerts, plays, socials card parties and quilting bees to raise funds. Provide a music teacher for the school and take part in the Music Festival. Sponsor First Aid courses and the Handcraft Van. This group welcomes newcomers to their district and tender farewell parties to any who leave. A “Secret Pal” club proves most interesting and is greatly enjoyed by the members. Sponsor a Senior Citizens’ banquet each year for residents over 65 years. A member of this Institute ranked second in the Mrs. P.E.I. contest, and their W.I. won the Cook Book plaque. They take part in Farm Forum programs. Received prizes in the Rural Beautification Con- tests for Covehead Community hall and in 1962 for Stanhope school. A prize was won in “Tea Apron” contest. Participate in Music Festival and were awarded a prize of $10.00 in 1962, and are presently entered in Red Cross First Aid Community venture. In 1960 a one act play “The Trouble With Women” was written by two members of this group, Mrs. Harry MacLauchlan and Mrs. Alvin MacLauchlan, and entered in Tweedsmuir competi- tion, winning 3rd prize on the Provincial level and 2nd in the Na- tional Competition. A History of the community is now being compiled and will be entered in 1964 Tweedsmuir Competition. SPRINGVALE organized by Miss Mary MacDonald, Super- visor on July 30, 1946. First President, Mrs. Charles Newport, Vice President, Miss Alice Dollar, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Crabbe. __39__