The community school has received a great many donations from the Institute — maps, drinking fountains, science kits, piano, rhythm band instruments and numerous other articles. ' lnlaid linoleum was provided for school. Christmas treats and annual school closing picnic are sponsored by the Institute. Pupils who pass Grade X exams are given a P.W.C. ring. Elderly residents, shut-ins, brides, new babies and bereaved are all suitably remembered. All charities receive generous donations and knitting and sewing are done for Red Cross. A turkey dinner marked the tenth anniversary of this small but enthusiastic group. ELDON organized by Miss Helen Harper, Supervisor, on October 29, 1963; Mrs. F. F. West First President, Miss Annie Mac- Rae, Vice President, Mrs. F. S. Reeves, Secretary-Treasurer. This Institute helped to build the public hall at Belfast and still helps with its upkeep. The sick and shut-ins are always remembered and the school receives necessary equipment from the Institute. SPRINGTON organized November 8, 1934, by Miss Louise Hazard. Officers: President, Mrs. Ewen Lamont, Vice President, Mrs. Cyrus Martin, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Dorothy MacKenzie. Main efforts were for school, a pump was installed, purchas— ed a teacher’s desk, seats and desks for school. The school building was moved to a new location, grounds were landscaped and fence erected. This group were winners of a Rural Beautification prize. A Tablet was erected to honor the memory of girls and boys from the district who served in the war. Two Life membership pins were given to members, and corsages to 4 Charter members. CHERRY VALLEY organized December 19, 1945. Officers: President, Mrs. Sterling Ings, Vice President, Mrs. Trueman Jenkins, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Malcolm Irving. GREENVALE Institute was organized on March 30, 1935, by Assistant Supervisor Miss EVelyn Windsor. First President, Miss Reta Carew, Vice President, Mrs. Gordon Brown and Secretary- Treasurer, Miss Winnifred MacDowell (Mrs. Frank Cutcliffe). The school has been the chief interest of this Institute for over thirty-five years. A signboard, new fence, flag and flag-pole were all donated by the Institute. Recently sixteen new school desks and teacher’s desk were procured due to the interest of this group. They hold suppers, festivals sales and parties to add to their funds. They enjoy close contact with Horsell Institute in England, and sent three W.I. cook books to this Institute at Christmas. Celebrated 25th anniversary at which time Charter Members were honored. MILLVIEW W.I. organized November 7th. 1929. Supervisor, Miss Hazard, President, Mrs Geo. MacEachern, Secretary, Miss Christine Bruce (Mrs. Claud Wood). -40—