We bought desks and seats for the school, fenced the yard and painted inside and outside of school. Also bought an organ and a piano, sponsored a vocal teacher. We put e‘actricity in school and paid half expenses on septic toilets. Had road and district signs made and erected. Sew for Red Cross, made quilts for wel- fare society and gifts to orphans at Christmas. We also give Christ- mas baskets to aged and shut-ins in the district. MARSHFIELD W.I. Date of organization, April 1, 1913, Organizer, Mrs. Dunbrack, President, Mrs. L. H. D. Foster, Secre- tary-Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Robertson, Norah Ferguson. Marshfield, W.I. was formed under the supervision of Mrs. Dunbrack. This was the first Institute in Prince Edward Island to be officially afilliated with the Department of Agriculture. This is stated in the Women’s Institute Handbook and also in the annual Report of P.E.I. Department of Agriculture for the year ending December 31, 1914. This first group had a membership of eleven women, the President being Mrs. L. H. D. Foster who is our Honorary President today. The Secretary was Mrs. Charles Robertson, and the Treasurer was Norah Ferguson. Mrs. Edgar Heartz another member of the first group is one of our present day directors. One of the first projects of this organization was that of knitting, sewing for the men of two wars. Since that time the successive members are continuing this worthwhile project in the form of supplying clothes and food for homeless refugees. A piano was purchased and a music teacher engaged. The Institute members have taken over the care of the hall which has to have the interior and exterior redecorated and oil heater was bought for the hall, which is the centre of community activities. Marshfield W.I. received first prize for best community effort in 1955, have sponsored sewing classes in the school, first aid and swimming classes. (including water safety) handicraft course, and are now sponsoring a Boy Scout and Wolf Cub Troup in our area. Contributions are sent to many organizations. During 1962, Institute members conducted an extensive High- way Safety Project which they entered in national competition. On March 19, 1963, almost on the eve of its 50th anniversary, the Marshfield Women’s Institute was advised by the Canadian High— ways Safety Council, Ottawa, that their project had achieved first place in the Carol Lane Awards, and that they would receive a bronze statuette and $1,000.00 in cash. This is the first time in the history of this annual award, inaugurated in 1951, that it has been won by a group in the Mari- times, and it provides a fitting climax to the first fifty years of achievement by the Marshfield Women’s Institute. HUNTER RIVER W.I. Date of Organization February 16th., 1948. Supervisor, Miss MacDonald, President, Mrs. Cyril Smith, Vice President, Mrs. J. L. LePage. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Marion Gillis. _41_