The first project sponsored was catering to the Rink Canteen; proceeds for Canadian Appeal for Children. Yearly house to house canvass for Red Cross campaign, average collection $130.00. Yearly canvass for C.N.I.B. about $150. Piano purchased for school, 4—H Sewing Class sponsored, concert in aid of village lights. We also en— tered the Drama Festival, winning Trophy for both entries. A beautiful memorial plaque placed in Memorial Library. Won a 1st place in Rural Beautification for library $150.00. Sponsoring Shur— Gain Concert, canvass for Blood Donors’ Clinic. Catered to a wedding reception, annual picnics and we also treated members to a dinner at Lakeview Lodge. Provided music teacher for school also Rhythm Band Instruments. Annual treats of cheer, boxes for aged and shut-ins at Christmas, also treats and prizes for school, Cod Liver Capsules for children, Red Cross sewing. We won First Prize for entry of programme for year. Sponsored First Aid Course for several years also swimming classes. Provided sets of maps for school also Blackout curtains. Yearly program for Education Week, Memorial Service and placing of wreath on Armistice Day annually. A study of each province of Canada, Ceylon, West Indies India has been completed. Panel discussion on good and bad effects of T.V. A demonstration by Miss Anderson on sandwich making was thoroughly appreciated. A display and discussions in Interior Decorating. Making of cushion etc. of plastic foam rubber. Many fine films have been shown, demonstrations of Christmas gift wrapping and making of other Christmas decorations. Art program and display of hand paintings by one of our members. (Mrs. Ruth Bagnall). Sponsoring of Polio Clinic, T.B. Clinic and Dental Clinic. Donation to Music Festival, Drama Festival, Cancer Fund, T.B. League, League of Mercy, Gifts to Welfare, Sanatorium, Relief Funds, March of Dimes, Gift to all members who have left the district. Gifts to sick members and cards sent to members of bereaved families. We had the privilege of having the W.I. Handicraft Van come to our village and a very large class completed a successful course. We celebrated our tenth anniversary with a Pot Luck Sup— per in the Hall inviting our husbands to attend; this was a most enjoyable function. W.I. Pins were presented to all Past Presi- dents since that time, now each President is presented with a pin on the completion of her term of office. SPRINGFIELD W.I. Date of Organization, April 25th, 1913. Supervisor, Miss Katie James, President, Mrs. Peter Sinclair, Vice President, Mrs. W. J. Seaman, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Agnes Haslam, now Mrs. Robert Howard, Sr. The Springfield Branch of the W.I. is one of the oldest in the Province. Twenty-nine members enrolled the first year and of this number only two are still active members. They are Mrs. Andrew Hughes and Miss Muriel Haslam. In 1955 they were honored by the Institute with Life Membership certificates and pins. ~42—