The year following organization, World War I broke out and our attention was turned to raising money for Belgain Relief, adoption of Prisoner of war, Halifax Relief and Convalescent Home, Charlottetown, P.E.I. working in conjunction with the Red Cross Society. Many hospital supplies, numerous socks and parcels of food were sent overseas. After the war was over attention was again turned to School and Province, and the greater part of the Institute’s funds was expended on the improvement of the school which included the purchase of an organ, Honor Roll, decorating the interior several times, prizes, Christmas treats etc.

During the campaign for a new Sanatorium the members helped with funds and collected through the district. Money was also given the Prince County Hospital, and the local branch of the Red Cross Society and Orphanage.

In 1935 a Girl’s Sewing Class was sponsored under the leadership of Mrs. Everett Haslam, some years later another class of girls who called themselves “The Green Hornets” was instructed by Mrs. F. W. E. Haslam, and in 1956 to 1958 Mrs. Gillespie Jr. and Mrs. Crawford Sinclair conducted a 4-H Sewing Club, assisted by Mrs. Claude Barrett.

In 1938 we celebrated our 25th. anniversary and at that time only four of the original members had passed away and the majority were present for the social evening. In World War II a great deal of knitting was done for the Red Cross and many warm quilts made for refugees.

Money was contributed to all worthy causes connected with the war and parcels sent to soldiers. A Home Nursing Class was led by Mrs. Herbert Profitt during one winter. The members con- tinue knitting and sewing for the Red Cross Society and each Christmas gifts for crippled children are sent in. Some years ago a First Aid Course was sponsored by the Institute.

In conjunction with District Convention County Line No. 1 the services of a music teacher were procured and music was taught in the school for several years. In 1953 we celebrated 40th anniversary with a banquet prepared by an adjoining W.I.

An English Institute, March St. Mary’s Cambs. was adopted, food parcels sent and letters exchanged. Contact still continues each year at Christmas when gifts are exchanged. Another of our links is Beachwood Green WI Hitchin Herts; with whom we ex- changed programs, handicrafts, souvenirs and individual letters. One of their meetings, complete with business, guest speakein, and miniature flower bouquet competition we made into a dialogue and at the request of the Provincial Executive our members staged this meeting at the closing session of the 1958 Annual Convention. Each year that we entered the Program Planning Contest we were fortunate to receive one of the first three awards. Our big- gest project was the writing of the Community History which was one of the first to be entered from P.E.I. in the Tweedsmuir Competition. In 1954 the History was published in time for Christ-
