mas sales and proved most popular. The Commons or Public Springs was a watering place for the animals of the neighboring farms since very early days when the Fanning heirs, proprietor’s of Lot 67, gave the springs and the land leading to them as a watering place for the community of Springfield. In 1960 the W.I. undertook to make this into a Picnic area planting flowers and shrubs and placing tables and seats. and erecting roadsigns. It was patronized by hundreds of tourists, many of Whom signed the guest book adding complimentary and appreciative remarks. Next year we plan to make “The Commons” still more attractive. The members are always ready to help in every way or project for the betterment of Home and Country and are proud to be a branch of the W.I. the largest organization of its kind in the world. KINGSTON W.I. Date of Organization, October 26, 1986. Supervisor, Miss Jean Rodd, Officers: President, Mrs. MacSwain (now deceased), Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Mable Auld (now Vlrs. MacSwain). Helped in every worthwhile project down through the years in school and hall. In war years made quilts, knit and still re- member the veterans Remembrance Day. ST. CATHERINES W.I. Date of Organization, July 25th, 1924. Supervisor, Miss Helen Matheson, President, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. William Morrow. Our Institute has been very active through the years with 22 members at one time. Mrs. W. R. Shaw and Mrs. F. W. Stretch are now the only charter members. We have done the usual tasks of an Institute, a great deal for the school. Helped build a hall and furnished it. We gave to all charitable Institutions especially the Sanatorium. It was from St. Catherines Institute the resolution came and was presented at a convention in Long Creek, along with all the Institutes of West River. MT. BUCHANAN W.I. Date of Organization, April 20, 1925. Supervisor, Miss Helen Matheson, President, Miss Katie Murchison, Vice President, Mrs. Joseph Robertson, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. D. N. Buchanan. All through the years since organized almost 36 years ago, the W.I. has helped in community affairs and given donations to many charitable organizations. At their first meeting they de- cided to pack a box of food and clothing for famine stricken min- ers. This concern to help others has been kept up. Most of all we have taken an interest in the school, the children and their welfare have been our chief concern. We have done many things to make the school more comfortable and attractive. Given treats in June and December, sponsored school fairs, swimming classes, 4-H Clubs, etc. We have tried to give our best efforts for Home and Country. SOUTH PINETTE W.I. Date of Organization, July 31., __44_