1945. Supervisor, Miss Mary G. MacDonald, President, Mrs. Alex. Campbell. Vice President, Mrs. Neil Morrison, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Isabel Morrison. Through the years the schools were kept improved and equip- ped. FLAT RIVER W.I. Date of Organization, October 4th., 1945. Supervisor, Miss Mary MacDonald, President, Mrs. Gussie Ross, Vice President, Mrs. Lewis Ross, Secretary ?Treasurer, Mrs. Malcolm Ross. Since the organization of this Institute, we have refinished and painted the interior of the school. Bought new desks, chairs and installed new toilets. Also purchased a new book-case, organ, and paid for having school wired for electricity, and a new porch. We had the mail-boxes painted and named, also District signs erected. Erected a school fence around the school and kept it in repair. We pay for a Swimming Instructor to the district each year. We pay at intervals to the following —— P.E.I. HOSpital, Doctor’s Home at Eldon, Cancer Society, March of Dimes, M.S.S. T.B. League, Care, Red Cross. We treat the school children at Christmas and end of school year also sick and shut-ins at Christ- mas. Flowers to hospital patients after a period of 3 days. Baby blankets to a new baby. LONG CREEK W.I. Date of Organization, July 25, 1924. President, Mrs. A. K. MacPhee, Vice President, Mrs. Hector Mac- Lean, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Norman MacLean. When the Institute entertained the District Convention they were instrumental in drawing up a resolution to build the present Sanatorium. Extensive work done on school hall, etc. ST. ANNE’S HOPE RIVER organized 1952. Officers: Presi- dent, Mrs. Geo. Myers, Vice President, Mrs. Eric Bell, Secretary, Mary Doyle. Organized by Miss Mary Robin. Main efforts are for Community and school. Redecorated interior of school and purchased Science Kit. Provide treats for children, and contribute to Scholar— ship Fund. Assist with all charitable organizations, remember the sick and shut-ins with treats. Assist families who have lost their homes by fire. Contribute to Fire Department in New Glasgow and to the Medical Centre. SOUTH WINSLOE organized October 19, 1937, by the supervisor, Mrs. Rev. J. S. Bonnell (B. Carruthers). Mrs. Hope Myers was the first President and Mrs. Ester Campbell the S‘ecretary~Treasurer. WEST ROYALTY Miss MacPhail organized this institute May 1, 1930. The first President, Mrs. Fred Gates; Vice President, Mrs. Gordon Stetson; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Cyrus Pickard. We feel that our Institute has been creating a “community spirit” by looking after the needs of the school children, the ill, and assist- _45_