ing in collection for health and welfare organizations, etc. During the war we kept in touch with all the boys of our district by writing monthly letters and sending parcels of food and cigarettes. We pack Christmas parcels for the older members of our community and have an annual party with refreshments for the patients at Beach Grove. We were one of the Institutes which spear-headed the Music Festival and assist each year on Festival committees. We have adopted a. Korean orphan to whom we write and send gifts. Sponsored 4-H clubs some years ago and have sponsored Brownies and Cubs, as well as providing leaders. Swimming classes are sponsored for all the school children. We are active in Red Cross work and volunteers from our Institute pack clothing each week for U.S.C. At present we are busy adding to the equipment of the kitchen of our Community Hall. On the Provincial Board Mrs. Gates held the offices of President, Vice President, Convener of Home Economics.
PARKDALE October 14, 1937. Parkdale was organized at the home of Mrs. Katie Moore, by the Supervisor, Miss Jean Rodd. President, Mrs. Edwin Cook; Vice President, Mrs. Wesley Dennis; Secretary, Mrs. Olive MacMillan; Treasurer, Mrs. Hilbert Frizzell; Pianist, Mrs. Ivan Mitchell. November, 1937 the Institute assumed all payments for the heating system for the school. They also bought a piano, furniture for the teachers room, projector, etc. and engaged a music teacher. During the war years, Red Cross nursing courses were held and a tremendous amount of war work accomplish- ed. In 1942 Parkdale was instrumental in starting a drive for the enlargement of the “San’, and the following year and each year since, flowers were taken to the patients at the “San” on the Sunday of Sanatorium Week, and treats to the children there as well.
In 1944 a Women’s Institute Community Hall was erected, since then it has been improved and enlarged and is the centre of many activities. In 1958 the first Provincial Rose show, now an annual event, was sponsored at Parkdale. Volunteers Visit fortnight— ly at Riverside during the winter months. Parkdale placed first provincially in the 1959 Tweedsmuir competitions, “Words and Music for an Institute song”, and 2nd for Book of Quilt Blocks. Has also placed well in programme planning competitions. Many worth- while causes contributed to, and collected for, and sick and shut-ins remembered. Scouts, Cubs, Guide and Brownies, sewing clubs have all been sponsored through the years.
NORTH MILTON W.I. Date of Organization, November 18, 1946. Supervisor, Miss Louise Haszard ; President, Mrs. Robert Carter Vice President, Mrs. Gordon Rodd; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Brenton Coles.
We consider the teaching of music in the school our greatest achievement. We have engaged a music teacher for several years.
FREDERICTON W.I. Date of Organization, September 20th., 1921. Supervisor, Miss Carruthers; President, Mrs. G. W. Tinney