(now deceased); Vice President, Mrs. J. A. Cutcliffe; Secretary- Treasurer, Miss Stella Weeks (now Mrs. Frank Nicholson). Twenty-two women met in Fredericton Hall to organize a Women’s Institute promoting projects and aims to improve Home, School, Community and Country living. Their first funds or means of raising money came from holding a “Birthday Party” as they called it and each member inviting five friends, each giving a cent for each year of her age. This gave them their financial start and at the 2nd meeting it was moved and seconded to start improving the school, by buying new window blinds and repairing windows. They also had a program with musical entertainment, a paper read “ toutine in the Household” and one on “a living room that is livable” and a paper read by a member “What the Institute means to a Community”. During that first year they donated and collected jams and perserves for the P.E.I. Hospital. Put together and quilted 2 quilts for the Orphanage. Before the 2nd year was over the school had put on a new appearance, with the exterior painted, new flag and a new hard wood floor, a globe, a map, and table for the teacher’s desk. Donated money for school Fair Prizes. Also donated $70 in aid of orphanage, subscribed for several magazines, such as the Delinator, Ladies Home Journal, McCall’s and Homecraft and they were distributed among members so each had the use of them. Treated the children school closing with ice-cream and bought the teacher gift. They raised their money by ice cream festival, Box Socials, Auction Sales, autograph quilt, quilting parties, selling lunches. Throughout the past 40 years, this Institute has kept up these aims, supplying school and Hall needs whenever possible and completed projects for the welfare of the children, for their Health, Education and Culture. Fredericton W.I. improved the Hall by interior decorating walls and stage and an organ. Have always donated generously or collected for all worthwhile organizations, such as Orphanages, Red Cross, P.E.I. Hospital, Provincial San, T.B. League, Temperance Alliance, Salvation Army, Y.M.C.A., Ambulance Fund, F.W.I.C. Mobile Kitchen Fund, Spitfire Fund, Save the Children Fund, Chinese Fund, Russian Relief Fund, Princess Alice Foundation Fund, Canadian Cancer Society, Cancer Fund, U.E.F.B. Appeal, The Jubilee Endowment Fund (now the Home Economic Scholarship Fund), .E.I. Chapter Multiple Sclerosis So- ciety, Canadian National Institute of the Blind, Retarded Children’s Fund, gifts and toys for Polio Victims, and many other charitable causes When the Sanatorium was needed Fredericton W.I. canvassed and worked donating money and making sheets, pillow cases and bedjackets etc. In 1930 the first clinic was held in school for the innoculation against Diphtheria, the Institute paying for the Toxin used. Since then many Health Clinics have been held and the WI. paying fees or for medicines prescribed for. _.47_.