Every Year have treated the children at Xmas. and summer closing. Sent flowers and cards of sympathy to deceased members. Have treated sick members and their families with fruit and visits.

Fredericton W.I. have subscribed for the Institute News every year since its publication. During the 2nd World War the ladies did outstanding and memorable work; purchased a War Bond, and several War Certificates, Red Cross work, saved salvage for war purposes, collected and packed used clothing for overseas relief, sent boxes of foods and fruits to local boys that were serv- ing overseas, made baby layettes and sent woolen blankets for over- seas relief.

Held a banquet for returned soldiers in Hall, rejoicing that Fredericton boys had returned home.

The Institute has contributed to Libraries and their upkeep. Donated and taken part in the P.E.I. Music Festival and paid to have a Music Teacher in the school. We also gave a gift to the new brides that come to live in our district. We raise our funds in the usual manner and have a social hour together, always working with the aim of our Institute Ode and Creed and our Motto Home Community and Country.

PARKSIDE formerly part of the Avonlea Institute was or- ganized November, 1958, and is comprised of the Old North Rustico Institute members from the Avonlea Institute.

The officers for the year 1959 were President, Mrs. Robert Woolner, Vice President, Mrs. N. S. McLure, Secretary, Miss Irma Tombs, Treasurer, Mrs. John McLure. Our records only go back those few years. The former report is included in the Avonlea ac? tivities. A member of this Institute, Mrs. M. J. Doyle, served as president on Provincial Board.

BAY VIEW Institute was organized September 5, 1928. We have no record of the Supervisor. The first President was Mrs. Walter Simpson and the Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. James R. Stewart.

WHEATLEY RIVER On December 14, 1926 Miss McKenna organized the Institute. The President being Mrs. T. D. Ling, Secre- tary-Treasurer, Miss Ethel Ling, Vice President, Mrs. Richard Stead.

Our school and hall received the biggest amount of money, but we have given donations to T. B., Cancer, Orphanage, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Care, European Relief, Korean Relief, Iron Lung. In earlier years, we donated to Hunter River Library. During the war years the boys in the services were remembered with Bibles and pen and pencil sets. In our community we always remember the sick and shut-ins. We send flowers to the bereaved and always a wreath for our war dead on Remembrance Day. We do sewing and knitting for the Red Cross. In 1954 we made use of the Handicraft Van. Took a first aid course in 1953. We sponsored the Mobile X- Ray several times buy Cod Liver Oil capsules yearly. We raised our money by having suppers, festivals, crokinole parties, sponsor-
