ing plays, concerts, catered to two banquets. We also put on plays and concerts with local talent, and we won $100.00 in a Beautification Contest. For school we have given Teacher’s desk, flag and pole, seats, pump and toilets. Smaller articles such as black board compass, display board, science kit, pencil Sharpeners and the necessary toilet articles are kept in supply-towels, soap and toilet tissue and cups. Some of the larger items got for the hall are: The three dis— tricts of Oyster Bed Bridge, Ebenezer and Wheatley River together purchased in 1927 dishes, 1930 the interior of the hall was painted, platform painted in 1945, organ bought in 1947. In 1948 curtains were bought also silverware and oilstove. In 1950 a hot-plate, 1952 a dozen chairs. In 1956-1957 we spent $1,098.00 on repairs, painting inside and outside, outside steps to the new kitchen which we also had built, we also got a flag pole, and sign board, and a stove for the kitchen, since that the platform has been raised and the kitchen finished, wired and painted and linoleum laid on the floor. We have lots of table room but plan to have cupboards some day. We enter- tained the local convention in the hall in 1960. We are one of 12 Institutes paying to an Entrance Scholarship for Grade X

pupils, two prizes 1st $75.00 and 2nd $50.00.

MEADOWBANK Institute was organized April 7, 1913 by Mrs. Dunbrack, First President, Mrs. Wm. Crosby, Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. MacLean; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Roper.

During war years much work was done by this small group. Financial support was provided for a prisoner of war in Germany as well. Improvement of the district school has been our main objective. We have provided library books, prizes, treats, an organ, and sani- tary facilities. We have sponsored 4-H Clubs and paid a music teacher.

Since organization took place on the same date as Cornwall and York Point, our 50th Anniversary was celebrated with these


RIVERDALE - CHURCHILL organized March 18, 1942 chiefly through the efforts of the school teacher, Mr. John DeRoche. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Thomas McQuaid, Vice-Pres, Mrs. Fred Buch—

anan, Sec. Treas., Mrs. Oliver MacLeod. Main efforts have been directed towards the school. Painted

the interior and provided seats, maps and blinds. Sponsored a Music Teacher and provide treats for children at Christmas and at the end

of the year. Remember the sick and shut-ins. Contribute to charitable or-

ganizations. During the war did knitting and sewing. Assist those

in need when called upon. Mrs. Finley McFayden and Mrs. Oliver McLeod have been

made Life Members and presented with Life Membership pins.

RICE POINT W.I. Date of Organization, October 4, 1939. Supervisor, Miss Mary MacDonald; President, Miss Selina Currie; Vice President, Miss Lillian MacDougall; Secretary, Miss Burdena

MacLaine. _ 49 _