The first meeting was held on November 2, with an attend- ance of eleven memebers and one visitor, which increased to four— teen through the year. Through the dark years of war, we helped in many ways to bring a measure of comfort and cheer to the brave men and women who served their country so faithfully. Articles knitted included: army and navy socks, all types of syeaters, mitts, helmets, childrens clothing and hose. Some of the sewing consisted of men’s and boys’ pyjamas, pneumonia jackets, hospital uniforms, masks, girls’ dresses, boys’ shorts, and several quilts. Boxes were packed and sent overseas.
Generous donations were made to Public Institutions such as: T.B. League, Cancer Fund, Sanatorium, Orphanages, Ambulance Fund, and Red Cross, and to relief and charity funds as the many and various needs arose.
In 1942 the members decided to hold a nursing class, Mrs. J. Henly kindly volunteered to act as teacher.
By various ways and means, and the assistance of the Govern- ment the school was re-modelled, grounds enlarged and fenced, and shrubs planted. Septic toilets and a pump were installed. A blackboard, maps, seats, science kit, and the many smaller items that a school requires were purchased. Treats are provided for the children at the school closing and at Christmas. The sick and shut- ins are remembered with cards and fruit.
A first prize of $25.00 donated by Prowse Bros. was won in the Queen’s County Beautification Contest, in 1953. A prize of $20.00 was won in the Dominion Housing Competition, also a second prize in the recent Poetry Contest. An Institute Pin has been given to each member.
On October 26, 1959, the members met at the Rendezvous to celebrate twenty years of organized activity. Thirteen members in- cluding six charter members were present. A birthday cake, donat- ed by the secretary, was cut by Mrs. Mary Jane MacDougall. A sing-song followed the supper and snapshots taken by Mrs. Reg. Taylor. “Time flies indeed on magic wings, and changes many ever brings,” and so it has been over the years with our Institute. Some of these changes have saddened us, but always, through the night, we have looked forward to the brightness of a new day.
We must also give credit to the “men folk” of the district who cheerfully assisted us by putting their shoulder to the wheel, when a stronger hand was needed.
NORTH PINETTE (Roseberry) organized by Miss Saunders in 1927. Officers: President, Mrs. John MacRae, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Mabel MacEachern. Many improvements were made to the school and the major project was the laying of a hardwood floor. This group disbanded in October 1930, and was reorganized in Oc- tober 1939 by Miss Mary MacDonald, with Mrs. C. A. Morrison as President.
Over the years the chief interest has been for the school,