which has been completely remodelled, acoustic tile ceiling, tile floor, etc., and pay for regular cleaning services. Floor polisher, desks, chairs, blackboards, maps, and bookcase have been purchased. Paid for installation of electricity and purchased silver and dishes, kettle, hotplate, radio and clock.

. Community projects include erection of Road signs, names on mail boxes. Pre-school and school children are remembered with treats. Newly married couples are tendered showers as are “new comers” to the district. Sick and shut-ins are remembered, hospital patients are given flowers, and bereaved families are also re- membered with flowers. .

During the winter months many afternoons and evenings are spent .in friendly “hooking bees”. Three mats have been com- pleted this year and the money from the sale of these rugs is put in the treasury. The members benefited from a visit of the Handcraft Van in 1961.

’ALBERRY PLAINS W.I. Organized December 19, 1936. Supervisor, Miss Louise Haszard; First President, Mrs. D.G. Praught; First Secretary, Miss Ella MacLeod, (later Mrs. Edison Taylor, de- ceased):

Our Institute work has followed the pattern of most branches having programs that helped to make us better home- makers and citizens. We always did a lot for the school in the little things and we provided the desks for the new school in 1951. We do Red Cross work‘every year and during the war years most of our'spare time was spent in this way. We have held First Aid and Home Nursing courses. We provide CLO tablets for the children. We support our own organization in their endeavours. We have provided leadership in 4-H work for many years. One of our members served on the Provincial Board as Convenor of Education for four years and she is now Editor of the Institute News.

Correspond with a W. I. in Australia. Entered Program Planning contest 1958 and 1959. Supply various articles from school. Bo'ught an. organ and pay salary of Music Teacher. Observe Educa— tion Week and help support Handicraft Van.

WOOD ISLANDS EAST organized October 7, 1939, Mrs. A M. MacLennan 1st President.

WOOD ISLANDS WEST organized November 1, 1943, Mrs. Robert Cook, 62-63 President.

IRISHTOWN organized July 12, 1937, Miss Alma Campbell, 1st President.

EMERALD organized November 12, 1925, Mrs. Joseph Hughes, 1st President.

' CORONATION organized February 23, 1937, Mrs. Vere Wheeler, 1st President

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