Desks, toilet, pump and water, piano, services of Music Teacher have
all been achieved by this group. They also sponsor swimming classes in their community.
LONG RIVER organized August 13, 1925, by Miss Evelyn Windsor, Assistant Supervisor. First President, Mrs. Fred Johnston, Vice President, Mrs. Myrtle Johnston and Secretary—Treasurer, Mrs. John Johnston.
This Institute is justly proud of its modern school, and has donated a chemistry cabinet, and a first aid kit to its furnishings.
Contributions have been given to many drives by charitable organizations.
ORWELL organized February 1929. First officers: President, Mrs. James Hughes, Secretary, Miss Florence MacPherson.
In 1931, after more than a year’s negotiating, a hall was purchased. It was repaired, renovated, and used for meetings, dances, plays, concerts, suppers and Conventions until May 1956, when it was burned. Since then most efforts have been for the school. A Science kit was supplied, as well as a desk and the interior painted, and the floor tiled. The latest achievement — the establishing of a Library.
Orwell W.I. members knitted during the war, sewed for the Red Cross and the Orphanages and assisted a family whose home was lost by fire.
Many current topics have been studied through the years and have sponsored First Aid and Water Safety and Swimming Courses.
MILLVALE organized 1930. Officers: President, Mrs. Alfred Murphy, Secretary, Mildred A. MacDonald, Vice President, Mrs. George Murphy. Good community effort, centered mainly in the school and provided seats for pupils and teachers twice due to fire.
STERLING Stanley Bridge organized June 19, 1913 by Miss Katharine James. Officers: President, Mrs. Walter Simpson, Secre- tary-Treasurer, Miss Lottie Brown.
Moved the school from a hollow to a more suitable place and near the hall. Painted interior and exterior, purchased new blinds, seats, desks and teacher’s desk. Toilets installed, new clock, radio, drinking fountain and swings for school grounds.
The floor was tiled and a new floor furnace installed, piano purchased, and electricity installed. Grounds surrounded by a new fence.
During the war years 140 quilts were made for overseas, and a boy who was in the Provincial Sanatorium was given a radio.
NORTH GRANVILLE organized November 6, 1947 by Miss MacDonald. Officers: President, Mrs. William Wall, Vice President, Miss Ruth Ball, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Emerson Matheson.
Chief interest is in their school and supply the every day