necessities. They purchased a new blackboard and seats.
NORTH WILTSHIRE organized October 16, 1933 by Miss Haszard. Officers: President, Mrs. Bruce Deacon, Vice President, -A1vina Easter (Mrs. Neil Campbell), Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Clark.
Efforts directed mainly to improving school and hall. Sup- plied necessities for school and redecorated hall. Contribute to all worthy causes. Sponsored a Dental Clinic, provided hall with stove. blinds, curtains, piano, organ and many other articles. Knitting and sewing during the war. Remembered the boys from the district who enlisted and gave parties and gifts to the 16 who returned home. Sponsored a Sewing Club, gave treats to the children, the sick and shut-ins. One member has the distinction of being absent only eight times in twenty-five years. Present secretary in office for 23 years.
HEAD OF HILLSBORO organized May 13, 1932 by Miss Elizabeth MacMillan. Officers: Miss Hilda Douglas, Vice President, Mrs. H. Lodge Birt, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Margaret Birt.
The most outstanding achievement was taking a small road- side school and moving it to a new site. It was placed on a cement basement, two indoor toilets were installed, maps were purchased, as well as blackboards, and many other articles. Interior and ex- terior of the building painted, a fence was erected and electricity installed, thus converting an outmoded school into an attractive modern one. This cost several thousands of dollars, but when dis- tributed over a period of years has not been too difficult, and a most gratifying attainment.
In 1944 we designed and completed a crib quilt, which was in competition with 15 other Institutes, winning first prize —— a War Certificate. This small district had eleven men answer the call to service and each was presented with a fountain pen and an address read. Each Christmas they were remembered with a box of hand knitted articles, food, cigarettes, candy and home-canned fruits. Much work for Red Cross. On their return from overseas, the boys were guests of honor at a dinner party, also two war brides who were showered with gifts.
Contributions are made to those in need, sick and shut-ins, and assist many charitable causes. Money is raised by concerts, plays, parties and auctions. Since 1958 attend District Conventions
with adjoining groups. EBENEZER organized 1925.
MILLCOVE organized 1951 by Miss Mary Robin. Officers: Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, Secretary,-Treasurer, Miss Patricia Mac— Donald.
Main efforts were centered in improving the school, purchas- ed blinds, chair for teacher, painted the interior of the building and secured a Music Teacher for the school.