SOUTHPORT organized December 9, 1942, with 25 members to work for “Home and Country”. Officers: President, Mrs. John MacKay (deceased), Vice President, Mrs. Urban McQuaid, Secretary, Mrs. Allison Tait (deceased). In 1947 a Music Teacher for the school was engaged. The work of the Music Festival has been promoted by group membership and entries :by groups and individuals from the school. At present Blue and Gold satin uniforms and pill box hats are being made for the Rhythm Band (school colors). In August 1948 the Girl Guides were organized with Mrs. Neil Matheson and Mrs. Raymond MacDonald as leaders who carried on for seven years, 16 to 22 girls were enrolled. In 1949 the Brownies were organized under the leadership of Mrs. Urban McQuaid, who also carried on for seven years. A girls sewing club (4-H) was or- ganized in 1948 and the first 4-H Food Club on Prince Edward Island was organized in Southport by the W.I. supervisor, Mrs. Maylea Manning and leader Mrs. Neil Matheson; two years later the sewing club was carried on by Mrs. G. Hope Mutch (deceased), and Mrs. LeRoy Rodgerson. All three club leaders received Cer~ tificates, and 4-H Club leaders — Pins for 5 years of outstanding Club service. A 4-H Garden Club was organized and sponsored by the W.I. under the leadership of Mr. Frank Gaudet, Provincial Forester. Catered to a reception for ACWW delegates, and several members were hostess to some of the delegates in 1953. This In- stitute was honored in having a member, Mrs. Neil Matheson attend the ACWW Conference in Toronto in 1953. The members equipped the kitchen of the new hall, purchased banquet tables, dishes, cutlery, propane heating, etc. Catered to the delegates attending Provincial Convention at the Vocational School for a number of years. During the war years parcels were sent overseas to all boys; parcels were also sent to an adopted Institute in England. Through the years knitting and sewing was done for the Red Cross includ- ing layettes and knitted afghans for the Unitarian Society. Con- tribute to all charitable organizations — limited to some each year. Many community projects have been carried out through the years, such as “get together”, family parties, picnics, teenage parties, card parties, etc. Participated in a Nutrition project advocating more nutri- tious food at home and in the school lunches, conducted by the Provincial Nutritionist Miss Estelle Haines, (Mrs. Wm. Reddin). A school committee is appointed each month to assist in any way possible with the needs of the teachers in the general interest of the pupils and teachers. In 1956 a Film Projector and Screen was purchased for the Hall, to be used by all organizations and in the school. MacDONALD, Mount Herbert organized June 23, 1916, by Miss Hazel Sterns. Officers: President, Mrs. Fraser T. Morrow, __55._.