Vice-President, Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. J. Walter Jones. It was decided to call this group “MacDonald Women’s Insti- tute” after Sir Wm. J. MacDonald who built the large MacDonald Consolidated School in Mt. Herbert, where the women hold their meetings. This building consists of a Domestic Science room, Manual Training room, an auditorium and many additional facilities. It was Sir Wm. MacDonald who built and owned “Dalvay by the Sea”. Program highlights during 1916-20 were demonstrations by the supervisors, canning strawberries, fruits, vegetables, pickling, salad making, table setting, sandwich making, flowers, stencilling, in- structions in making an autograph quilt, war deserts, millinery. Many interesting papers were prepared by the members, “Neces- sity of Medical Inspection in the School” by Miss Lena McCallum, “The House Fly”, “The Country Boy” by Mrs. Walter Jones. Ques- tion boxes and discussions heldped to improve the program and the community. On September 13 Mrs. David MacDonald announced that “The Anti-Auto Association” had requested that the W.1. should take a vote on the Automobile question, which they decided to do resulting eleven voting against and eight voting in favor of automobiles. A resolution stating “that the members of Mt. Herbert Red Cross Society are willing to amalgamate with the MacDonald W.I. provided the members of the Institute are willing to take over the work of the Society." The vote was unanimous and a Red Cross Committee appointed. Knitting was done and boxes sent to the soldiers overseas. A. prisoner of war was adopted, preferably Mr. Brenton Wood, Southport, and money was sent for his expenses. Some meetings opened with the singing of “God Save Our Boys”. Lawn party held to raise money for Patriotic purposes. At the first annual meeting held in MacDonald consolidated school $25.00 was voted for the Red Cross and it was decided to have school cleaned and the piano tuned. In August 1917 a Reception was held in honor of two re- turned soldiers, Lieut. Hamm, and Sgt. Ferguson. Mention is made of acknowledgments of supervisors of 28 pairs of socks, and again of 22 pairs of socks for Red Cross. From the first MacDonald In- stitute came many branch Institutes in this Convention area — Bun- bury, Cross Roads and Southport in 1942 — later Mermaid, Mt. Herbert, Hazelbrook and others. MAYFIELD, The Supervisor, Miss Helen Matheson organized the Mayfield Women’s Institute on April 8, 1926. President, Mrs. Blair Andrew, Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Willard Nicholson. The school has been the focal point for Institute activities. First Aid classes have been sponsored and assistance given to a local scholarship. Contributions have been given for many charitable purposes. —56—