BREADALBANE Women’s Institute was organized m June 9, 1933. First President, Mrs. Hedley Woodside, Secretary-Traasurer, Mrs. Pomeroy Murray. Their charter President has sinze been honoured by a Life Membership. They sponsored cemetery inprove- ment in their community. Money was donated for hall repairs and necessary articles donated to their school. PLEASANT VALLEY organized November 1, 1923. Mrs. Hugh F. MacKay was elected 1st President with Mrs. J. 3. Mac- Dowell, Vice President, and Miss Marion Andrews, Secretary. Dur— ing the year the chief objective of this Institute has been the school; cards and treats are sent to sick and aged of the community. Volunteer canvassers for worthwhile causes are supplied. LAKE VERDE organized February 3, 1958 by Miss Mary Robin and Mrs. Manning, Supervisor. Mrs. Raymond Wood, First President, Mrs. J. Curley, Secretary, Mrs. Ira Redmond, Treasurer. Since organization this Institute has contributed to the community, school, and assisted many charitable organizations. EARNSCLIFFE Institute was organized by Miss Mary Mac« Phail, November 6, 1929. First President, Mrs. Bernard Doyle and Secretary, Miss Dora Doyle. New seats and desks, encyclopaedia, library books and case, science kit and case have been donated to the school. The school and grounds were entered in Rural Beautification contest and won a prize. Charitable organizations received donations. An annual banquet is held for mothers. RIVERDALE CHURCHILL Women’s Institute was organized March 18, 1942, with Mrs. J. T. McQuaid, President, Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Vice President and Mrs. Olive MacLeod, Secreiary-Treas- urer. Their chief aim has been to improve their school and many necessary articles are purchased. Quilts and clothing have been donated to Red Cross and Orphanages. Sales of Home cooking are chief fund raising means. SOUTH MILTON organized July 6, 1926, Supervisor, Miss Jean Rodd (Mrs. Allison MacLean). Officers: President, Mrs. G. A. Coles; Vice President, Mrs. Elmer Duffett; SecretaryTreasurer, Mrs. James Coles. Assisted with erection of new school and the emipping of same. Share in film projector. Provided electricity for SleOI, radio and many other articles. Sponsored First Aid courses. Strong com- munity spirit, Institute only combined voice of the district. EAST ROYALTY organized October 22, 1925. Mi:s Windsor Assistant Supervisor. Officers: President, Mrs. Alex Qanie Mac- Nevin; Vice President, Mrs. Jahn E. Holmes; Secretary, Kiss Emma Holmes. 1.57m