Ciief interest school: pump installed, yard fenced, flag pole erected, desks and many other articles supplied. Sponsored plays. Supplied boys and girls hockey teams with uniforms. Prizes given to students. Fees are paid for enteries in Music Festival, and instru— ment and uniforms supplied. Swimming lessons. “Achievements cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Lasting friendships are formed Ln Institutes and we learn to live our prayer: Let us not forget to be kind.”
HIGHFIELD organized by Miss Mary Robin on November 1949. Mrs. James Coles, President, Mrs. Jack Stockman, Treasurer, and Mrs. Perley Taylor, Secretary. The Institute members took over the financing of the Hall known as the Winsloe Station Hall which is now paid for. An oil furnace has been installed, the hall fur- nished and the interior and exterior redecorated. We collect for many (rganizations and give donations to a great number of charitable causes. We treat the shut-ins in our community at Xmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.
GREENWICH W.I. — organized November 18, 1925. Super- visor Miss Mathieson. President, Mrs. Earl MacEwan; Vice-President, Mrs. Ambrose Rattory; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Ethel Sutherland. Improvements in school and community have been our concern throughout the years.
In the beginning this branch comprised three school districts: Grand View, Lyndale and Uigg. Eventually increased membership made it possible for Grand View and Lyndale districts to form their own branches. Much credit goes to Mrs. W. D. Ross, Kinross, whose interest and enthusiasm sparked the desire to organize. At first home-making skills and the needs of the school were of primary im- portance and in review we find: School: bookcases, book of knowl- edge, cupboardS, maps, blackboards, water fountains, desks, globes, pictures, venetian blinds, new roof, new ceiling, exterior and interior painting, Wiring, electric fixtures, electric light bills paid. Music teacher’s salary, hot school lunch equipment, prizes, treats, picnics, etc‘. Immunization and dental clinics, farm forum, junior farmers, 4-H clubs, home nursing, swimming and water safety sponsored. Sick and shut-ins treated, institutions visited. Trees and shrubs planted. Overseas parcels sent. Signet rings presented to service men and women. Honour Roll placed in school. New-comers, brides and babies welcomed. Institutions and Welfare campaigns supported by dona- tions and canvasses. Sewing and knitting done for Red Cross, Or- phanages and M.S.C. A $25 prize received for plans for a rural home; a $25 award for war work in a Canada wide Contest, and $3 prize won in programme planning.
Our Institute successfully campaigned for the extension of power lines throughout the district, the hard-surfacing of the high- way, and ali night telephone service.
CLYDE RIVER organized August, 1950. Enjoy entertaining other Institutes and are happy to be entertained by others. Prepare