a program for the year and find it most helpful which was entered in competition and won 2nd prize. Provide articles for school (organ, blackboard) and remember the sick and shut-ins and bereaved. Pay for singing lessons, children most successful in Music Festival competition. Sponsor 4-H sewing club, purchased a sewing machine for classes. Assist those who have lost their homes by fire in district and surrounding districts. Sew for Red Cross. Re- decorated interior of hall, and painted exterior and helped pay for fence. Contribute to some organizations each year. One objective is to develop a more abundant life in our rural communities and a deeper appreciation of the things near at hand to develop better. happier and more useful citizens.

NEW HAVEN organized November 5, 1935. Supervisor, Miss Mary MacDonald. Officers: President, Miss Mary Devereaux; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Michael Murphy.

This group was responsible for completely remodelling the interior of the school, and supplying the minor needs of some. Re- member the sick and shut-ins of the district.

SOUTH MELVILLE organized January 11, 1949. Maylea Boswell. Remodelled the school bought new seats, also new chair for teacher. Made quilts and spreads for the orphanages. Contribut- ed to all worthy causes.

BRA‘CKLEY POINT organized by Miss Louise Haszard. Of- ficers: President, Mrs. Lowell Younker.

Chief undertaking was a complete renovation of community hall and equipment for same. Painted the interior and exterior, pur- chased drapes, chairs, piano, stove, installed electricity, congoleum on kitchen floor, range, silver and dishes, also tables for the kitchen. This work was accomplished over a period of years. Recently installed an oil furnace. The school was by no means neglected, and was supplied with a piano, radio, library, rhythm band, music teacher, battleship linoleum for the floor. Many hundreds of dollars have been raised and spent in the community and school. Contribut- ed to many charities.

HAZEL GROVE organized October 27, 1922. Officers: Presi- ident, Mrs. Garfield Stevenson, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Alma Weeks. Supervisor, Miss Bessie Carruthers.

Efforts centered in school, painted interior and exterior several times, during the past 40 years, installed a hardwood floor, purchased blackboards, blinds and everyday necessities. Sponsor the Music teacher for the school. Contribute and collect for many charities.

Although lacking the conveniences of a community hall, funds are raised by card parties, Valentine teas, in private homes— concerts and plays are held in a neighbouring hall. They follow a Planned Program for the year and find it very helpful.
