a program for the year and find it most helpful which was entered in competition and won 2nd prize. Provide articles for school (organ, blackboard) and remember the sick and shut-ins and bereaved. Pay for singing lessons, children most successful in Music Festival competition. Sponsor 4-H sewing club, purchased a sewing machine for classes. Assist those who have lost their homes by fire in district and surrounding districts. Sew for Red Cross. Re- decorated interior of hall, and painted exterior and helped pay for fence. Contribute to some organizations each year. One objective is to develop a more abundant life in our rural communities and a deeper appreciation of the things near at hand to develop better. happier and more useful citizens. NEW HAVEN organized November 5, 1935. Supervisor, Miss Mary MacDonald. Officers: President, Miss Mary Devereaux; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Michael Murphy. This group was responsible for completely remodelling the interior of the school, and supplying the minor needs of some. Re- member the sick and shut-ins of the district. SOUTH MELVILLE organized January 11, 1949. Maylea Boswell. Remodelled the school — bought new seats, also new chair for teacher. Made quilts and spreads for the orphanages. Contribut- ed to all worthy causes. BRA‘CKLEY POINT organized by Miss Louise Haszard. Of- ficers: President, Mrs. Lowell Younker. Chief undertaking was a complete renovation of community hall and equipment for same. Painted the interior and exterior, pur- chased drapes, chairs, piano, stove, installed electricity, congoleum on kitchen floor, range, silver and dishes, also tables for the kitchen. This work was accomplished over a period of years. Recently installed an oil furnace. The school was by no means neglected, and was supplied with a piano, radio, library, rhythm band, music teacher, battleship linoleum for the floor. Many hundreds of dollars have been raised and spent in the community and school. Contribut- ed to many charities. HAZEL GROVE organized October 27, 1922. Officers: Presi- ident, Mrs. Garfield Stevenson, Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Alma Weeks. Supervisor, Miss Bessie Carruthers. Efforts centered in school, painted interior and exterior several times, during the past 40 years, installed a hardwood floor, purchased blackboards, blinds and everyday necessities. Sponsor the Music teacher for the school. Contribute and collect for many charities. Although lacking the conveniences of a community hall, funds are raised by card parties, Valentine teas, in private homes— concerts and plays are held in a neighbouring hall. They follow a Planned Program for the year and find it very helpful. __59___