Pinette; vice President, Mrs. John A. Ross, Garfield; Secretary— Treasurer, Miss Marion Gillis, Flat River. Much work for the school and community has been done through the years, and many con— tributions to charity. Our Motto for Home and Country is carried out.
NEWTOWN CROSS organized August 1953 by Mrs. Manning. Officers: President, Mrs. Eunice Ross; Vice President, Mrs. Charles McEachern; Secretary-’l‘reasurer, Mrs. David Gillis.
ALEXANDRA W.l. Date of Organization, May, 1939, Super— visor, Miss Louise Haszard; President, Mrs. Gay Judson; Secretary, Mrs. Ernest MacCabe; Treasurer, Mrs. Lester Beaton.
WINSLOE - HARRINGTON W.I. organized first in co-opera- tion with Winsloe, July 5, 1913. The present W.l. was organized November 14, 1921, as the Harrington WJ. Supervisor, Miss Bessie Carruthers (Mrs. J. S. Bonnell). For 1921 President, Miss Beckie Stewart (Mrs. Lou Coles, California) ; Vice President, Mrs. J .W. Rodd (deceased); Secretary~Treasurer, Miss Alma Mason.
The Harrington W.I. re-organized November, 1921, has been a going and influential concern to this day. We have a member- ship of 28 members, most of whom are active. We donate to most all worthy charities and remember our community sick and shut- ins. Our main endeavour through the years was the renovation of our community hall, which is truly a social center for all activities.
Beautification: We are very conscious of rural beautification, having entered our school, hall and community at different times, and were mostly always in the money—which of course wasn’t our chief aim —but it helped. It was a common good and we were all interested and aware W.I.’s are tops and absolutely essential to country life.
CENTRAL ROYALTY organized October 28, 1921. Officers: President, Myrtle S. Harper; Vice President, Mrs. James Roper; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Myrtle Ross (Mrs. MacLeod). Built a one room school. Instituted the “School Fair” (Similar to 4-H club), held annually — competition within the district. Built a beautiful 2 room school, cement basement, furnace, landscaped grounds— fenced playground. Won the Governor’s Cup. During the war it was suggested at a Provincial convention that an Ambulance be purchased for use overseas, the suggestion was accepted and each individual W.I. asked to contribute towards same.
The ambulance was presented through the Red Cross for over- seas work. Two members of this group were instrumental in the organization of the Music Festival. The meeting was held at the home of one of the founders, Mrs. Preston Beck with Mrs. Nadine Archibald as co-founder, President, Mrs. Beck and Secretary-Treas- urer, Mrs. Archibald. A new community Hall was also built.
BRACKLEY organized October 2, 1947. Miss MacDonald. —v61— /