Officers: President, Mrs. Guy Pierce; Vice President, Mrs. Douglas Carr; Secretary, Mrs. James MacKay; Treasurer, Mrs. George Jackson. Landscaping of school grounds. Entered rural Beautifi- i’ication twice successfully. Procured Music Teacher and Rhythm Band instruments and had children enter Music Festival. Purchased organ for school. Staged plays and reached semi-finals in Provincial Drama. Names placed on mail boxes and District signboard. Spon- sored sewing club. CROSS ROADS. organized as MacDonald W.I. on June 23, 1916. Districts divided on December 9, 1942. Sponsored an Apple Blossom tea for several years. PARKSIDE organized December 3, 1958. Officers: Mrs. Robert Woolner, President. This group was formed when they separated from the Avonlea branch, and although they are small in numbers manage to carry on the work; owing to the fact that their school has been closed for 4 years (students attend a larger school) they do not have regular projects which create great interest in most groups. MOUNT HERBERT organized November 20, 1953, Miss Mary Robin. Officers: President, Mrs. J. Russell Driscoll; Vice President, Mrs. Ralph Rayner; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss June Derby. Provided revenue for installation of electricity in the school, installation of a pump, improvements in floors, compiled a brief history of the community Observe United Nations Day — presented a flag to the school. Sponsor Red Cross swimming classes — estab- lished First Aid Post. Sponsored Home Nursing, First Aid Classes and refresher course. Provided along with other Institutes in Con- vention area funds for Scholarship. An Institute member’s daughter qualified for the Home Economics Scholarship. Purchased a piano and provided musical tuition for school children. HAZELBROOK was organized April 17, 1928 by the Super- visor Miss Saunders. The first President was Mrs. W. T. Coady; Vice President, Mrs. Eric Pendergast and the Secretary, Miss Helen Chandler; Treasurer, Miss Amy Myers. Directors: Mrs. Ernest Ings, Mrs. James Monaghan, Miss Hattie Myers. Auditors; Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. A. Roy Jones. The main interest through the years has been for the school, supplying the necessities from time to time. The establish- ment of a Library was a major project of the group and the purchasing of books — including an encyclopedia and the Books of Knowledge. Purchased an organ and the group was responsible for the salary of the music teacher for a number of years. Had the school grounds graded and planted shrubs. In 1953 the twenty- fifth anniversary was celebrated by the members and their hus- bands when they enjoyed a Turkey dinner at the Queen Hotel; and _62_