etc. Children have been supplied with drinking cups, towels, soap, hot soup in winter and helped with gifts and treats at Christmas. Prizes are given to the pupils at different times, and of late each successful Entrance pupil has been given $5.00. During the war years much time and money was given to- wards the work of the Red Cross. Every member was a war work- er and still contribute and work for this worthy cause. Generous donations have been given to Library, Dental Clinics, School Fairs, needy in West, March of Dimes, T.B. League, Bread for Greece, Swimming classes, Mysore Project, Drama and Music Festival, toys for orphanages, Cancer Society, Medical Centre in New Glasgow, completed in 1958, and many other worthy causes. Sick and shut-ins are visited and given treats. Flowers and plants sent to hospitalized members and flowers for departed members; gifts are given to members who leave the district. A painting of an Island scene was given to Cavendish School in memory of one who had done much for Institute work. The 20th Anniversary was observed by having a dinner at “Old Spain”, and the 25th was catered to by Miss Mary Stewart, and the 35th anniversary was held at “Shining Waters” Lodge and catered to by the Mayfield Institute. The society felt greatly hon- oured when it received 1st prize for Programme in the Provincial Competition and Honorable mention for the cover. Our Institute is as one large family, sharing each others burdens and with a few minor differences at times, quite material, but working together for the bigger and better things of life. God grant us grace to carry on The noble work and true And may we hold the Challenge high For other ones to do. KINGS Cofintv . ., * ’5 * HER SONG The morning bites with frosty teeth, The fog cloaks all The wind whips round the chimney tops, The mercury falls, But suddenly the gloom is gone, Sent scattering, It isn’t spring, but near at hand A housewife sings. Marie L. Morley, Australia. __. 64 __