MURRAY HARBOUR NORTH organized November 10, 1925 by Miss Evelyn Windsor, Asst. Supervisor. Officers. Pres., Miss Em- ma Cook; Vice-Pres., Mrs. C. J. McLure; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Irving Mil- lar. Directors: Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Miss Blanche Millar, Mrs. George McLure. Auditors: Miss Dolly Gordon, Miss Florence McHerron. The first meeting was held at. the home of Mrs. Wm. Kennedy. Three Charter members are still active in Institute work: Mrs. Flor- ence McLure, Mrs. Harry Reid, Mrs. Herbert Llewellyn. WOOD ISLANDS organized September 24, 1943 at the home of Mrs. M. C. MacPhee. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Wm. A. MacQueen; Vice-Pres., Mrs. D. M. Stewart; Sec.-Treas., Miss Mary E. Bell. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. A. Mac- Queen on October 7, 1943 with a membership of 24. SOUTH LAKE organized July '7, 1952 by Miss Mary Robin. Officers: Pres., Mrs. George Cheverie; Secretary, Miss Beth Fraser, Nine members joined at the first meeting. CARDIGAN. At the District Convention held at Cardigan in 1927 the “burning question” was the great need of a Sanatorium, and from this c‘onvention came a resolution which was instrumental in the building of the Provincial Sanatorium in 1929. ' KINGSTON organized in the school October 26, 1936 by Miss Jean Rodd. Officers: Mrs. Malcolm MacSwain (deceased) first Pres. Sec., Miss Mabel Auld (Mrs. MacSwain). During the war years a great number of quilts were made and many articles knitted for the soldiers. A pump was installed in the school and linoleum laid on the floors. Provide necessities for the school. The services of a music teacher were secured and her salary was paid by W.I. Road signs were made and erected. A monument in memory of the boys who lost their lives in the war was erected. This group had one Life Member (Mrs. Bertram Willis, now deceas- ed). Entered the school in Rural Beautification Contest and won 3rd prize. This group was also responsible for “paying off” the debt on their community hall. Money has been raised by pantry sales, auc- tion sales, suppers, etc. Three Charter Members are still active: Mrs. Gus Holmes, Mrs. Merrille Green and Mrs. Edgar Newson. BELLVUE. In November 1927, ten ladies from Bellvue School district met at the home of Mrs. D. E. MacLeod, to organize a branch of W. Institute. This Institute was organized due to the efforts of Miss Catherine MacLean now married and living in St. John (sister of former Minister of Fisheries, Hon. J. Angus MacLean) who was teaching school in the District at the time and was first President, succeeded by Mrs. John Mac‘Leod, who held the office for several years. Secretary, Miss Margaret MacPherson, who also held office for many years. Of the original group only five members are living: Mrs. D. E. MacLeod, Mrs. MacPherson, Miss Margaret Mac- Pherson, Miss J. S. MacPhee and Miss Catherine MacLean. In 1952, the 25th Anniversary of the group was Celebrated —65—