with a supper at the home of Mrs. D. A. MacPherson. All-former members and their husbands were invited. Each year the members get tOgether and enjoy a supper put on by one of the neighbouring Institutes. ' ORWELL COVE organized July 2, 1926 by Miss Helen Mc- Kenna. Officers: first President, Mrs. Wilfred MacLean; first Sec., Miss Alice Nic'holson. Ten members joined at the organizational meeting, three of whom are still very active members. First project was the painting of the exterior of the school, and purchasing new desks. Through the years have worked for the school and have contributed to many worthy causes. KILMUIR. Organized by Miss Elizabeth MacMillan on Septem- ber 30, 1932. Officers: President, Mrs. D. P. MacPherson; Secretary, Miss Margaret McGowan; Vice-President, Mrs. M. N. McGowan. We did a great deal of work for our school, putting in new floors, desks and making structural changes, later installing toilets. We helped to improve the church hall. Music was taught in the school for several years. Sewing club was taught for two periods of four years and we had a food club for two years. We helped with the local rink and twice entered the Drama Festival on the locallevel. Sponsored first aid classes, and a home nursing class was conducted by members. We were fortunate in having the Craft Van twice in our district. We are one of eight Institutes in an areascholarship for children of the area. One of our members, Mrs. M. N. McGowan, was a Provincial President. VALLEYFIELD was organized in the fall of 1930 by the sup- ervisor, Mrs. LeBaron Tait. The President was Mrs. B. A. Weather- bie, and the Secretary, Miss Mary Nicholson. The organization com- prised in the two districts of Valleyfield East and West. The Branch has continued active all through the years, and has been responsible for repairs to the school, and all community work. Early in our hist- ory we purchased the Orange Hall in the District and had it renovat- ed and enlarged. We have supported Drama and entered the Music Festival. Have supported all W. I. Projects. The Institute is one of eight Institutes sharing in an area Scholarship fund for Grade 10 pupils from the area. One of our members, Mrs. W. A. Bruce, was a member of the Provincial Executive (1947-49) and as Convenor of Social Welfare was deeply concerned in the field of “Child Welfare” and “Retarded Children”, which up to that time received little attention and it was difficult to make the public aware of the “great nee ” for these children. After Mrs. Bruce’s report of June 1948 appeared in the press which stressed the urgency in this field, the Charlottetown Guardian ran quite a lengthy editorial on the matter. . ThisProvin- cial project of Women’s Institutes was of major importance, and re- sulted in a survey of the whole Island. BRIDGETOWN was organized August 23, 1926. The Presid- ent, Mrs. Hodgson MacDonald; Secretary, Mrs. George Ross; Vice- __66_