President, Mrs. Laughlyn Mc‘Kay. Our institute has been going strong for the past many years, increasing from 8 members to 20 at present. We have done outstanding work for our schools and for all the community affairs. We have installed new desks twice, and sup- plied much school equipment. Painted the interior and exterior every six years or so. Installed septic toilets in the school. We give to all charitable organizations unstintingly and help the poor, sick and s ut-ins.

EGLINGTON-HOWE BAY Women’s Institute was organized by Miss Helen Harper June 6, 1923, with Mrs. Wesley Keefe as 1st President, Mrs. J. G. MacDonalld, Vice-President; Miss Mabel Paquet, Secretary. New seats, blackboards, maps and redecoration were sup- plied Eglington school. Help was given to build a new school at Howe Bay. All worthy causes are assisted financially and cards and treats sent to sick and shut-in citizens. In 1957 this Institute received a $50.00 prize from Holmans, and in 1960 a $5.00 prize for receipes was received. Sewing and knitting for Red Cross are done each year.

Program planning is used by the group with excellent results.

....CAMBRIDGE W.I. Date of organization, February 23, 1949. Supervisor, Miss Maylea Boswell (now Mrs. Ralph Manning). Presi- dent, Mrs. James Lanigan; Vice-President, Mrs. Clyde Kerwin; Sec- retary-Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Giddings.

We raised money in various ways: concerts, dances, auctions, pantry sales, chicken suppers, etc. We have looked after many school needs: new seats, storm windows, science cabinet, books of knowl- edge, globe, cod liver oil capsules, swimming instruction, helped install toilets, shared in projector, etc. We give to most charitable causes and help the needy in our district.

PANMURE ISLAND W. I. Organized October 31, 1927. Pres- ident, Mrs. Mathias Condon; Secretary, Miss Stella Murphy.

Only two of the original members are still members of our present Institute. Some are living elsewhere, and death has claimed several. For some years we were disbanded as a decrease in our pop- ulation made our membership too small. We re—organjzed February 18, 1947, and have remained active ever since. Our chief interest has always been the school to which, over the years, we have added new desks, new floor, a book-case and globe to mention only a few of our contributions. We continue to help the school with needs and treats, and practically everything that the teacher might suggest.

The Institute has been a vital factor in the social life of our community. The monthly meetings and District Conventions have formed and strengthened friendships. The Institute too, has treat- ed its members to some delicious get-together suppers.

HIGH BANK - LITTLE SANDS, was organized September 30, 1925 by Miss Helen Matheson. Mrs. John D. Livingstone of High Bank, was the first President. The Secretary, Miss Mary Smith; Vice- President, Mrs. Peter MacLean.
