An immense amount of work was done during the two world wars for the soldiers and the Red Cross. Hardwood floors were plac— ed ii both schools. The hall was repaired and furnished and the hall entered in the Rural Beautification competition. Schools were sup— plied with necessities, the sick remembered and all good causes re- ceived liberal contributions.
QUEEN MARY, Murray Harbour — 1919. Organized by Miss Saurders. Officers: President, Mrs. Freeman Reynolds; Vice—Presid- ent, Mrs. Wallace White; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Edna MacKay. Originally White Sands, Beach Point and Guernsey Cove were in this group —— later Beach Point and White Sands organized their own districts. Beach Point disbanded about 7 years ago.
Helped to remodel public hall, provided treats and prizes for schofl children; pay music teacher and assist with transportation to Music‘ Festival. Remember the sick and shut-ins at Christmas, boxes for (rphanage. Four charter members are living, including the first PreSLdent. Two are still active in Institute work.
WHITE SANDS — November 2, 1939. Supervisor, Miss Mary G. MacDonald. Officers: President, Mrs. Hammond Nicolle, Sr.; Vice- President, Mrs. Howard Bell; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Whitney Brehaut. This group named their Institute “The Royal Oak”. We did var work, have contributed to all charitable organizations, and provided needed articles for school.
GOWAN BRAE — March 2, 1925. Miss Evelyn Windsor. Of- ficers: Mrs. Alex. McGillvary, President; Mrs. William Howlett, Sec- retary. Remember the sick and shut-ins in community, assisted with the building of a new classroom and provided items for school. Con- tribute to various organizations.
FORTUNE BRIDGE — September 11, 1936. President, Mrs. Reginald Coffin; Vice-President, Mrs. Ernest Aitken; Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. Leon Johnston.
School improvements. War work. Donations given to worthy causes. Orphanages remembered.
EAST BALTIC organized 1921 by Miss Hazel Stearns. Of- ficers: first Pres., Mrs. Robert Robertson (deceased). This group disbanded in 1934 and reorganized in 1941 with the following offic- ers: Pres, Miss Anna Rose; Vice—Pres, Mrs. R. S. MacGregor; Sec- retary, Mrs. Peter Mossey.
During the years the Institute has been very active in all com- munity projects. The school has been the primary concern. An organ was purchased and the school participated in the Music Festival on several occasions. Books of Knowledge were purchased for the school library. The community has entered the Rural Beautification Con- test several times and twice the sheild was won by the school. Ply- wood was purchased and property owners names were stencilled in the Women’s Institute colors — blue and gold. District signs have also been erected. For several years the Institute has sponsored 4-H