HEATHERDALE organized March 13 1928 by Mrs. T. G. Ives. Officers: Pres, Mrs. S. M. Martin; Sec., Mrs. W. A. MacPhee.
Through the years this group has contributed to all charitable causes and remember the sick and shut-ins with treats.
In 1933 the school was destroyed by fire. After the new one was built their efforts were concentrated on the hall. The building was painted, electricity installed, seats and stoves provided.
All residents of the district over seventy are given a birthday party. On April 17 1963 the thirty-fifth anniversary will be cele- brated, a banquet will be held and gifts presented to six charter mem. bers.
BEAR RIVER SOUTH. Mrs. Vernon McIsaac was first Pres- ident of Bear River South Institute. Mrs. James Chaisson, Vice. President, and Miss Hilda O’Donnell, Secretary-Treasurer, at its organization in 1926.
They put new hardwood floor in their school, painted the out- side also provided individual desks for their school. Hot lunch equip- mentalso provided. New members to the community are welcomed and brides remembered. Members have an annual banquet or trip.
EAST POINT organized July 6, 1917 by Miss Hazel Steams. Officers: Pres., Mrs. John J. MacDonald (Mrs. John Gillis); Sec., Treas., Miss Margaret Beat-on. Collected wool from the farmers and made it into socks, and other necessary articles for the soldiers, the members doing the spinning and twisting of the yarn themselves. Sent Christmas boxes to the soldiers overseas. Assist the work of both orphanages. Provide treats for children, remember the sick and needy. Contribute to all worthy causes. Sewing and knitting for the Red Cross, making of quilts, the members supplying the material for same. Assist the Souris Hospital by providing money, vegetables and articles for the nursery.
NORTH LAKE organized July 1914 by Mrs. Dunbrack, Ono tario, and Assistant Supervisor Miss Helena MacDonald. Officers: Pres., Mrs. Walter Walker; Sec.-Treas., Miss Lily Rose. This Instit— ute (Lakeville) served three school districts, Elmira, Lakeville and North Lake. Elmira later withdrew and organized their own and in 1959 Lakeville withdrew and organized independently. Many articles: socks, sweaters, boxes of food sent to soldiers. Supply necessities for school. Contribute to hospitals, orphanages and all worthy causes. Remember the sick and shut-ins and treats for the children. Funds raised by icecream socials, bean suppers, pantry sales, concerts, plays, bazaars, etc. The only charter member is Mrs. J. E. Dingwell, N. Lake.
LITTLE HARBOUR organized March 24, 1921, by Miss Car- ruthers. Officers: Pres, Mrs. Louis McDonald; Vice-Pres, Mrs. Fred Rose (now deceased); Sec.-Treas., Miss Edna MacDonald (Mrs. D. J. Montgary). This Institute disbanded in the thirties, and was re- organized July 7, 1952. Assist with all community projects. Purchas-